Spain, but it's not a region issue, I solved that a while ago. The videos have simply disappeared from NBC's site.
Spain, but it's not a region issue, I solved that a while ago. The videos have simply disappeared from NBC's site.
I´ve been looking for the behind-the-scenes videos of Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas (the ones with Danny Pudi and Alison Brie) and I can't find them anywhere. NBC has taken them down and every other page had a link to NBC.
Why, America? Why do you continue to put up with the tyranny of the few? Why do you continue to let idiocy rule? To the intelligent people of this country, I say: find a Nielsen family, kill them, replace them, become a new kind of Nielsen family: educated, enlightened, probably attractive. But do it now, for fuck's…
Perhaps they'll turn him into a vampire that needs to be taught how to read.
I like you, dear sir and / or madam.
Medical science may call it "seizures", but we all know these were pretty obvious cases of Stendhal syndrome.
I always found it weird that the opening theme for JL was basically the opening theme from 'Twins of Evil', a Hammer movie.
Yes, Commander-in-Chief, you know, the one with Geena Davis.
He also said that TBBT is way better than Community and that he has a Nielsen box to prove his love for the superior show every Thursday. He also mentioned something about P&R being, and I quote : "A lame rip-off of The Office, which in turn was an improvement over the dreadful British original".
I blame old people for everything.
Wait, pre-Crisis Earth-2, post-Crisis Earth-2, post-52 Earth-2, or Asian Annie Earth-2?
Pic that reveals unhealthy habits and/or sagging skin = Hitler
He promptly came up with a more sensitive analogy: "Every photo taken without my permission is worse than 9/11 and the Holocaust. And the photographer is Hitler. Also, Bin Laden."
Dane Cook: The karate of comedians.
Well, I guess someone from NBC contacted the A.V. Club and told them that accidents happen. Accidents like, I dunno, Community and P&R gettin' cancelled because someone didn't show the appropiate amount of respect for the entire Thursday line-up. Capisce?
So, Ra's is the Greendale Human Being?