
But they weren't abandoned. They chose to stay where the Federation couldn't protect them.  What was the Federation supposed to do? Keep fighting a war they couldn't really win?



The Maquis are a big reason why I couldn't get through more than half a season of Voyager.  Even though they neutered their rebel nature pretty early, I still just hated them all.

The Maquis are a big reason why I couldn't get through more than half a season of Voyager.  Even though they neutered their rebel nature pretty early, I still just hated them all.

To be fair, having Jadzia kill the Albino would have messed a little bit with the whole idea that Jadzia wasn't obligated to repay Curzon's promises.

To be fair, having Jadzia kill the Albino would have messed a little bit with the whole idea that Jadzia wasn't obligated to repay Curzon's promises.

Can I start the thread about how horrible the Maquis are? Because really, this pair of episodes doesn't make them any better than the spoiled babies that they were in TNG.

Can I start the thread about how horrible the Maquis are? Because really, this pair of episodes doesn't make them any better than the spoiled babies that they were in TNG.

Zack is a flip-flopper! Send him to the beach!

Zack is a flip-flopper! Send him to the beach!

I agree. These are people who headed out to start a new colony, and they did. Yes, a large part of the way they lived their lives was based on deception and terribleness, but it was still the way they lived their lives.

I agree. These are people who headed out to start a new colony, and they did. Yes, a large part of the way they lived their lives was based on deception and terribleness, but it was still the way they lived their lives.

Wouldn't the VR inside a VR inside a VR thing have been a little to close to that Riker is an Mad Thespian episode of TNG?

Wouldn't the VR inside a VR inside a VR thing have been a little to close to that Riker is an Mad Thespian episode of TNG?

But the clone is exactly the same as him in every way with all of his same memories and thoughts — so, after the act is done, the living one would have all the same memories, so even though he was a "clone", he still had the same fear of dying.

What makes a man himself?

The problem is that you are hearing the instrument as modulated by the Universal Translator. Of course it is going to sound different than expected — a true musician knows how to use that to his advantage.

But that's the thing — if they hadn't been so hardheaded, then there _could_ have been a pithy little lesson about how you shouldn't judge people by their odour or moultings or idiot male children, because look at how terrible the Skin people are, but they are still wise and patient and grateful for the help they

What everyone seems to be missing in this Skrreans are possibly space jews and Bajorans are maybe assholes debate is the fact that the Sisko et al found the Skreeans a perfectly servicable planet to live on. It's not like it was "settle on Bajor or be forced to roam the Alpha quadrant like vagabonds for eternity" — it