
this movie has great reviews in other countries like France!

this movie has great reviews in other countries like France!

what do you mean?

what do you mean?

This episode was still better than the two last episode:
It featured even good tension in the end!
And there is a minimum of Quinn an Batista in this episode!
you say that the episode is too neatly tied up because of Batista but he said he was going to resign six episode ago!

This episode was still better than the two last episode:
It featured even good tension in the end!
And there is a minimum of Quinn an Batista in this episode!
you say that the episode is too neatly tied up because of Batista but he said he was going to resign six episode ago!

I don't understand why this episode gets a C-.
You only said good things on this review, i didn't see anything bad!
Why didn't it deserve at least a B?

I don't understand why this episode gets a C-.
You only said good things on this review, i didn't see anything bad!
Why didn't it deserve at least a B?

Why did Episodes get a nomination for best comedy episode for episode 9 when it got a C+ review on the av club?

Why did Episodes get a nomination for best comedy episode for episode 9 when it got a C+ review on the av club?

Then, not sure of what to do, he shut his laptop and cradled it against his chest, to protect it, which he loved most of all.
The ax raised high into the air, and then swung

Then, not sure of what to do, he shut his laptop and cradled it against his chest, to protect it, which he loved most of all.
The ax raised high into the air, and then swung

I am the one who smiles

I am the one who smiles

I think it's going to be the next Awake because it is really good and won't last more than 13 episodes!!!

I think it's going to be the next Awake because it is really good and won't last more than 13 episodes!!!

this episode deserved an A  it was the best of this season. When we see that the true blood episode of this week gets an A- then breaking bad should totally get an A.

this episode deserved an A  it was the best of this season. When we see that the true blood episode of this week gets an A- then breaking bad should totally get an A.