Carol Brown

@avclub-41ae3cd2f3e6402db3f418313787cf86:disqus   We actually saw Don and Allison having sex. It was decidedly awkward, and ended quickly.  And then she left to meet friends. 

@avclub-f42523df3fafe56f111474dc70679dcf:disqus  Oh indeed—anyone who spouts spoilers, inadvertently or not, in the newbies section is an utter asshole. While it's possible that some people have become a little overzealous about flagging anything that faintly resembles a spoiler, I understand why: it's infuriating

Somebody on Alan Sepinwall's site spoiled this whole goddamn thing for me way back in the first season, but I've seen people nudging and winking about the Red Wedding and the Rains of Castamere on this site, too—frequently.  Maybe the references stand out to me simply because I was spoiled and bitter about it, but

@Scrawler2:disqus  Thanks!  Dammit, I have got to start spending more time on the internet!

Also, the credit sequence doesn't show anybody jumping out a window, but an office falling down around a guy—a guy who turns out to be cool, calm, and collected, just chilling in a chair with a cigarette, on the outside. It's clearly a  metaphor for Don's inner turmoil!  And for the inner turmoil of the midcentury man

I loved when Bob Benson came into Ted's office and said, "I don't mean to interrupt," and Cutler said, all baffled and serious-like, "But that's what you're doing . . ."

Wait, there's a Sharon Tate theory?  Do people think the Manson family is going to murder Megan?  The show has never changed history like that, has it?  Sorry to ask so many questions, but where has this been discussed?!

The song combined with the visuals were my favorite part of the episode (and I really liked the episode). I loved how the lyrics fit so well with Pete's butthurt feelings—I'd have never thought to connect the two—as well as how Pete managed to turn smoking weed into such a weaselly, angry Pete Campbell thing to do.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Oh, I agree—he was a straight-up asshole in that final scene.  It just seemed to come out of nowhere for me, because, unlike most people, I didn't think he was a real asshole before this.  (No more an asshole than Peggy can sometimes be, at least.)

@avclub-cb10f554d73e40f723febf42a006a887:disqus  Yeah, but Greg's an Army surgeon, not a soldier.  I can't see how he'd get killed unless he got really, really lost on the way to the hospital one day. 

Holy shit, I just got that this moment as well.

Man, nobody's ever mad at Peggy for scoffing at the idea of white privilege in that same scene—she said black people could work their way up the same way she did, completely ignoring the fact that her talent was discovered in a room full of white secretaries, in an agency full of white people.  Abe was definitely

Eh, I disagree. I'm not sure that it was particularly twisted, first of all; they both seemed to genuinely get off on it, as did Don and Bobbie with something similar, as did Don and Megan with something else that was similar—as do lots of people in real life.  And Don hasn't given any indication that he wanted to end

I'm surprised so many are bummed to find out that Don's an asshole, since I thought it was always readily apparent.  It's interesting that Todd brings up Red in the Face in the review, because that was one of several first season episodes that cemented for me how thoroughly and unequivocally dickish Don is.  I

One of the things that made that exchange so funny isn't easily conveyed in writing—the fact that it took both of them forever to get those sentences out. Toby's slow, mumbling, dithering delivery of a very reasonable list of reasons kind of made you understand why Michael hated him so much, and then the way Steve

Hell, I said it just last week!  Granted, I wasn't talking about puppies in that case.

@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus  No!  I'll allow that a few people can wear them and not look worse, but I've never seen them make anyone actually look better.

@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus See, I've always thought both those articles of clothing were not really flattering to anyone, at all, ever.

Eh, she was certainly insipid, but she wasn't a complete drooling moron. I thought at one point she did seem to notice the temperature of the room, but didn't know how to stop herself from more rambling—hence the "powder our noses" idea.  Or perhaps I'm defensive because I'm the fucking worst at small talk.  Puppies? 

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus  He's already had sex with Sally's teacher; is sexing her friends going to be much worse?  Okay, yes, it's going to be a lot worse, but god I thought sleeping with the teacher was low.