Carol Brown

I mentioned its decline not because I feared anyone would condemn my taste in TV, but because I figured someone would indicate, jokingly or not, that the transfer plot had something to do with said decline.  I'd never be ashamed for liking the first few seasons of the Office—I wish more people remembered how brilliant

I mentioned its decline not because I feared anyone would condemn my taste in TV, but because I figured someone would indicate, jokingly or not, that the transfer plot had something to do with said decline.  I'd never be ashamed for liking the first few seasons of the Office—I wish more people remembered how brilliant

"remember when Amy Poehler said, out loud and on national television,
that no one should criticize the president of the United States because
he's black?"

"remember when Amy Poehler said, out loud and on national television,
that no one should criticize the president of the United States because
he's black?"

I don't really see what's wrong with it, personally. The show's always had subplots involving different subgroups of characters; now Ben and April have one that'll be going on for a while.  Yeah, they're not going to be interacting with the others in every episode, but it introduces new situations and opportunities

I don't really see what's wrong with it, personally. The show's always had subplots involving different subgroups of characters; now Ben and April have one that'll be going on for a while.  Yeah, they're not going to be interacting with the others in every episode, but it introduces new situations and opportunities

Exactly, @twitter-84693048:disqus.  Wuthering Heights blew my mind when I finally got around to reading it, because various movies and references in the media had always given me the impression that it was a "traditional" epic romance, a probably well-written but predictably maudlin and tearjerking tale of

Exactly, @twitter-84693048:disqus.  Wuthering Heights blew my mind when I finally got around to reading it, because various movies and references in the media had always given me the impression that it was a "traditional" epic romance, a probably well-written but predictably maudlin and tearjerking tale of

Yep.  I love Aaron Paul and I'm so glad he's won Emmys for this role, but I so wanted Esposito to win.  I watched Face Off again a couple weeks ago, and that long walk into the nursing home gave me chills all over again.  Fring was one of the great, unforgettable TV characters, and the fact that Esposito won't get

Yep.  I love Aaron Paul and I'm so glad he's won Emmys for this role, but I so wanted Esposito to win.  I watched Face Off again a couple weeks ago, and that long walk into the nursing home gave me chills all over again.  Fring was one of the great, unforgettable TV characters, and the fact that Esposito won't get

God I hate Downton Abbey.  I've tried, I've really tried, but it has terrible pacing and ludicrous subplots and facile themes.  I don't know why people keep getting fooled that it's "classy," as @avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus says, except that so many dumb pretentious people think posh English accents

God I hate Downton Abbey.  I've tried, I've really tried, but it has terrible pacing and ludicrous subplots and facile themes.  I don't know why people keep getting fooled that it's "classy," as @avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus says, except that so many dumb pretentious people think posh English accents

No, Jon Hamm is fucking brilliant as Don Draper and deserves all the accolades he can—but apparently isn't going to—get.  As I said somewhere on some disappeared article on this site yesterday, Cranston deserves all the Emmys he's won, but I think Hamm has equaled him in creating an indelible character and inhabiting

No, Jon Hamm is fucking brilliant as Don Draper and deserves all the accolades he can—but apparently isn't going to—get.  As I said somewhere on some disappeared article on this site yesterday, Cranston deserves all the Emmys he's won, but I think Hamm has equaled him in creating an indelible character and inhabiting

I think Mad Men has one more season after next—I'm pretty sure it's going for 7 seasons.  But goddamn, if BB never wins Best Drama and Jon Hamm never wins Best Actor, I'll . . .  I don't know, be bitter about it or something.

I think Mad Men has one more season after next—I'm pretty sure it's going for 7 seasons.  But goddamn, if BB never wins Best Drama and Jon Hamm never wins Best Actor, I'll . . .  I don't know, be bitter about it or something.

@avclub-734ffb84cfa214922893511fae356b45:disqus  I've never heard anyone cite that as the meaning behind that song.  I think even Lennon said he just wanted to do a Bob Dylan impression, and the lyrics just have the same sort of down-on-his-luck, self-pitying theme most of his songs had that year.

@avclub-734ffb84cfa214922893511fae356b45:disqus  I've never heard anyone cite that as the meaning behind that song.  I think even Lennon said he just wanted to do a Bob Dylan impression, and the lyrics just have the same sort of down-on-his-luck, self-pitying theme most of his songs had that year.

He really fucking does.  Basically, I think it's beyond ludicrous that Mad Men has never won an acting award, just as I think it's insane that Breaking Bad has never won Best Drama.  I think they're clearly the best two series on TV, and are thus clearly two of the best shows ever—so it makes no sense for one to keep

He really fucking does.  Basically, I think it's beyond ludicrous that Mad Men has never won an acting award, just as I think it's insane that Breaking Bad has never won Best Drama.  I think they're clearly the best two series on TV, and are thus clearly two of the best shows ever—so it makes no sense for one to keep