
I know that a lot of people dislike Scully's metamorphosis into the believer in Season 8, but I can't agree. As pointed out above, Mulder was always the close-minded one, and over time Scully has to come to terms with that fact that persisting in skepticism for its own sake is not very good science. She has her own

Mr. X = triple awesome smothered in kickass sauce
Some stray observations of my own:

"Citizen Kane" is possibly my favorite Kids in the Hall sketch ever, so this little morsel of backstage trivia was gobbled up with glee.

Through the years, all the Kids have cycled through being my favorite. When I was young and impressionable, it was Dave. When I was in college and freaking out, it was Scott. When I was slightly older and an aspiring hipster douchebag, it was Bruce. When I saw Slings and Arrows, it was Mark. But now that my hair and

Cringey novels
I haven't read The Ask, but I might be tempted so to do. As far as cringe-based novels go, I think you can't do better than The Fuck-Up, but I'm willing to give any challenger to that throne a shot.

You know what I like about Futurama? Everything.
Sometimes Futurama seems to be rehashing an old plot from Red Dwarf. But then they always take it a step further, and I'm like, "Yeah, way to pull it out. (Just like at the movie theater! WOO!)" Then they take it seven steps further and I fall ass over teakettle in love

I believe that in "The Honking" the crew did visit Robostadt, in the Robo-Hungarian empire. But to our collective everlasting regret they did not, on that occasion, collide with any chainsaw-wielding clown dwarf robots.

On the subject of "Bonding," and whether we like it
I had never seen "Bonding" before I sat down for my weekly pre-recap two-episode homework, and damn did it affect me. The last thing I expected to see was a quiet hour of reflection on loss and how to respond to it. I especially appreciated how every character

They probably have unlimited juice at their house. All their parties are OFF the HOOK.

Well, natch.

When will the TV scientists bring us Conan's long-promised Punch in the Face Channel?

"The horse says, 'Doctorate denied.'"

Don't fall in love with me yet; we only recently met.
True, I'm in love with you, but you might decide I'm a nut.
Give me a week or two to go absolutely cuckoo:
Then when you see your error, then you can flee in terror
Like everybody else does. I only tell you this 'cause
I'm easy to get rid of, but not if you fall in love.

I kind of see her point too, but surely she was given a script to read before she signed her contract? If you already have a steady job on a TV show and the movie scripts coming across your desk don't please you…don't take the job.

Oh, GOD! How did I forget about the movie? The part where Holly is recounting the destruction of the Sandleford warren was straight out of The Wall. Devastating.

Okay, then, I guess I am. That's okay.

Oh, absolutely, that montage was worse than Bambi's mom getting raped by the guy who trapped Todd the fox while torturing Dumbo. Nevertheless, the part that really broke me was Russell's monologue about counting cars on the curb with his dad. "You know, sometimes I really miss that curb," he mumbled. I didn't hear

Well, as Terry Pratchett wrote, who needs a gun when you've got a loaded wolf?

I could buy that. Or, in a more general sense, Father Gill uses his guitar as a way of dealing with the stress of the world…which many of us do by masturbating.

@MovieReference: Yeah, it did suck. Which is too bad, because I could see what they were going for, but my thought over and over again was, "I WANT to like this movie." Still, the commentary is pure gold: we all learned a little something, namely that Paget Brewster is freaking hilarious and has a very low opinion of