Best Mom line: "Jam a bastard in it, you crap!"
Best Mom line: "Jam a bastard in it, you crap!"
The killbots didn't work for me, either, until "Did someone say howitzer?" which is still making me laugh today.
My heartstrings remained untugged by that last scene, but that didn't prevent me from enjoying the episode that came before it.
Good point. Hermes could have thought all this time that the one he saved was Flexo. Unless baby robots can grow beards. Can they grow beards?
Runaway Ralph and Dear Mr. Henshaw will rock your fucking world.
Michael Dorn is as awesome as a very awesome thing.
I don't know that he wanted to bone her, per se. It seemed like maybe Father Gil's position in the Church was analogous to Peggy's at Sterling Cooper: they're both young, fairly new on the job, trying to be really good at their respective jobs but don't fit in with the old guard.
There was a show about animal hoarders on Animal Planet a few months ago - specifically, about people who own dangerous wild animals that they shouldn't. One guy had a whole bunch of monitor lizards who poisoned him and then ate off his face. A woman was partially eaten by one of her three tigers. Another woman…
The Cohen Brothers
Filming involving funny haircuts, violence, vomiting, dreams and howling fat men ahead. Do not be alarmed.
I understand why this didn't come up, but I'd like to know how she feels about Peggy's odd friendship with Father Gill in season 2.
Every time she comes on screen my girlfriend shouts "You're too good for him, Trudy! Leave him! LEEEEEAVE!"
I loved it in the last episode of season 3 when Don came right out and said what we've been thinking all along: "Peggy, if I've been hard on you it's because I see you as an extension of myself."
Charlie's list of best days.
Pity my ex-classmate Mr. Grocock.
Yes, I like that universe. Lookwell is probably on the air there.
Not based on anything specific
A sort of general anxiety I have comes not from one particular source but from a general trend in cop shows—well, could be any show, I guess—where the first person they arrest is innocent and they don't catch the real killer until the last act. I am terrified of being that first person,…
Morbo's chat show, "Tea with Titans," should come back.
You mean Teletubbies slash?
Rikers Island? Nah.
That sounds pretty good, but being imprisoned on Will Riker's Island with Bender would be a way better time.
Satan watching television
Finally, a show about ME! A show for me! A show aimed at ME! Oh, Golden Girls.