
excellent point. i have no idea how the criminal justice system works except for what i see on tv, so….

Jimmy's isn't an escape.

I liked that it took awhile for her true evil to come out…she was ALMOST sympathetic sometimes until the RJ reveal.

i DIED during that scene where Big Boo explained the lesbian takeeover.


i think she's probably in for the mail fraud…that's a federal crime, right?

nope, i just don't want to engage with homophobic assholes.

wow. just…wow.

i watched all of season 2 of Orange in 2 days…while packing up my entire apartment.

WHERE IS THE OITNB SEASON 2 REVIEW. i just finished and i have THOUGHTS.

right, but homosexuality is not conduct, it's biology. so you are a bigot.

oh, i forgot about the cheating. eh. i still found her somewhat sympathetic.

sure, but you are a bigot, so.

she was totally not a bitch. she was so sweet with Sophie!

Most anti choicers, at least those making policy, are fundamentally anti-woman and certainly don't give a shit about children after they are born.

Sam Seaborn?

what do you have against the bluest eye? i love Angelou and she will be missed..and yet Toni Morrison is also amazing.

not really…

i love me some sorkin era west wing—a LOT—but i think veep is more accurate.

this came up a lot in the threads for the previous season (i just binged) and there was some confusion about why Cosima was at Minnesota. I'm wondering if it's beucase they are best known for their twi studies?