
goddamn. i don't even have words.

wouldn't you get something other than a minimum security prison for human trafficking? i mean i have some sympathy for Claudette but it seems like human trafficking deserves more penalties…

also winning at naming episodes.

I am not trans and I think about this more than the average person probably does, but not enough to pick up on alllll of that, and so I really appreciate you posting this.

i can't find much comedy in it, because to me the entire idea of being sent to prison is terrifying at a really gut level that I can't get past that enough to really laugh. There are definitely funny moments, which I fully approve of and which I laugh at—but I can't turn off that part of me that is genuinely horrified

i laughed for a solid five minutes at the GoF line, even though that's not my fave HP (DH, PoA are 1-2 depending on the day, SS, GoF, OftP, CoS… in case you cared. which you don't). somebody please come up with a blog that does book reviews in her voice. PLEASE.

yup. i have amazon prime only for free dog food delivery. instant video, not so much.
hulu plus is useful for those of us without cable (or tv at all, i just have a roku box).

i read the book—it was only ok—but i think because of mandatory minimums/the War On Drugs she had to plead out or risk going to trial and serving a whole lot longer.

i am almost more excited about that than anything. their relationship is so excellent. i love how he mostly finds VM a giant pain in the ass except when he needs her help.

phoebe-chandler and the seduction chicken is the best moment in the whole series and therefore they should be at the top of the list.

John is ALSO the worst. Worst. Hate him.

and they used protection, and she didn't regret it (i hope) and the sisters were calm and talked about actual issues, and she was nervous but excited…i love it. so sex positive and realistic!

loved them both. Especially Life after Life.

the Bulger book is fantastic. 
I like the 24 Hour Bookstore. I think it's the sort of book that might have felt too twee if it had taken a long time to read, though. As it was, I found myself happy to buy into it.

cannot.wait. the intro of Julia's story was such a masterstroke.

Since January I have read….I don't know, a bunch of books. of those, the best that were NOT re-reads have been:
The Casual Vacancy (though i had very mixed feelings)
Speaking From Among The Bones
How Fiction Works
Death and Life of the Great American School System
What Happened to Sophie Wilder
Death at Seaworld

because the fact that they are gay is just that—a fact, not the entire point of the show. which is awesome.

i liked that they handled all of the sex stuff at least quasi realistically—there's definitely a decent chance that Jesus/Lexi would sleep together that fast, and I love that he knew to get her EC. and I fucking LOVED that Lena/Stef were so honest about not wanting Jesus to be a dad and that they brought up abortion

John is still the worst, and therefore a heart attack is A-OK with me.

it surprised me though that Callie and Jude weren't in the slideshow (unless I missed it). seemed insensitive especially for characters portrayed as the opposite.