
Hey, what's all this now? Godzilla was freaking awesome.


I always tried to figure out if the survivor count went down due to deaths that we actually saw in the previous episode or was largely made up. That would be interesting to try to check episode to episode I think.

It's totally what I would do if I was the writer of 2/3 of a hugely successful story. Although, having that sort of attitude towards my work probably wouldn't result in me being the successful writer of 2/3 of an epic story.

Yeah, that always bothered me from a logical standpoint. The 'homicide' part is pretty much covered by 'bombers'. The word 'suicide' adds extra description.

Or: George R.R. Martin scours GoT forums till he finds fan theory that sounds like a good ending.

Oops, I did not notice it there, but I skimmed it super fast.

And isn't Megyn Kelly one of the saner voices on Fox news? Didn't she call out Karl Rove's Bahgdad Bob routine on election night? And more recently she basically told Dick Cheney that everything in Iraq was his stupid fault.

There were 4 movies from the 90s on the list and one of them was Fargo which I'm not sure I would even count as a comedy. Some 90s movies not on the list: Tommy Boy, Office Space, Happy Gilmore, Groundhog Day, Kingpin, Austin Powers, Cool Runnings, Wayne's World, The Big Lebowski

You don't criticize suicide bombers because they died, you criticize them because they are (probably) murderers. That seems rather obvious doesn't it?

"Life is shit, get to know dis"

His description of the invention of golf never fails to make me laugh. Especially the ending "..Fuck no! Eighteen fucking times!!"

The one's he's handing out will taste like really bad beer. Which is to say that they're going to taste absolutely horrible until you've had most of one.

Man, maybe it's cause it's Monday, but that picture of Jesus offering me not one, but two bottles of malt beverage would make me listen to any of his teachings right now.

Looks like he just opened the door to some unwanted Jehovah's witnesses after a rough night.

I feel that if I had a job that payed me by the completed task (like a car salesman, but not hard, just slightly tedious), I'd definitely do it compulsively. For example, if I could turn in video game currency for real money and make a living off that, I'd be set.

No shit. Unless they immediately ask about the resorts wifi, they don't have a problem.

What summer blockbuster action movie in the last 40 years has ended without an action set piece? People would go bananas if that happened.

Was it not in the 4th book where the best player in the world intentionally lost the world series by catching the snitch when they were down by more than 50 or whatever? If that happened in the real world, that player would probably be banned for life, but in the book everyone thinks he's still great.

I think my problem with this is that the game has come about unlike any other popular sport in the world. I may be wrong, but I think that almost any other sport had decades of evolution, with input from hundreds of different players, in many different countries, to become what they are today. Quidditch is a