The Gloaming


Unless Wreckx n Effect is on this, I don't want to watch.


This thread is one massive waterfall of cascading santorum. It's like Willy Wonka's factory!

Claire Danes' mess of a character from Homeland. God she's fucked up, but still cute.


Television as a medium is dead.

Dawes it come with a cupholder?

Good song:

The only thing deep about Vincent Gallo was the back of Chloe Sevigny's throat! HEYO!

I saw this movie when it was called Brown Bunny.

Ellen's dad was Steve Buscemi! Holy Shirt!

Or Terry Gilliam.

Q: What's the most commonly used French phrase?

"To the one true God above, I go hard in the mothafuckin paint"

Would Mike Mills and Miranda July have a kid already and make Michel Gondry the godfather.

Oh I get it. He's saying Tilda Swinton looks like David Bowie! I hadn't heard that one before.

(Recoils, screams at the thought of USA programming)

Annie's Boobs are being held hostage by network execs. Let's Cheng them free.

(Crosses fingers) Please find Hugh Laurie another vehicle. Get Stephen Fry's ass over here or something.