The Life Neurotic

In some way yeah, but at this point all these counter-protests just encourage them because they get media attention.

Must we keep giving these fundamentalist whackjobs attention?  

Must we keep giving these fundamentalist whackjobs attention?  

A shower?

A shower?

Yes, wait, no

Yes, wait, no

If this were playing before "The Stockholm Affair" maybe, but in this instance, meh

If this were playing before "The Stockholm Affair" maybe, but in this instance, meh

Wouldn't any rational person do the same?

Wouldn't any rational person do the same?

You get reincarnated as a Thetan

You get reincarnated as a Thetan

Should have stayed with Promise Keepers

Should have stayed with Promise Keepers

And no more checking the AV Club on my lunch break for this guy.

And no more checking the AV Club on my lunch break for this guy.

He's funnier than Nick DiPaolo, I'll give him that

He's funnier than Nick DiPaolo, I'll give him that

Look someone had to do it