
For what it's worth, his performance in Top Gun is maybe above and beyond what any other actor would have done for a rather rote war story. Same with what Tony Scott did, making it a visual feast rather than something more bland which is what a lot of war films will look like to people.

Somewhere between this and Magnolia for me, but this is instantly rewatchable where PTA's film while great is a bit of a journey to follow. The character projects this cold demeanor that instantly shifts once he's inside the cab, a true sign of a sociopath. You really don't know how far removed he is from his screen

It's a shame Clint Eastwood has never played one.

Edward Norton was a name passed around, too. Would have been very interesting since there are some very slight similarities to Fight Club.

Oddly enough I watched Black Mirror (finished the first two episodes) for the first time last night and the implied objectification in the 2nd episode hit pretty close to how it really is (which a lot of it did).

I think I watched one episode of it when it was airing on cable for awhile, but it's hard to find it now.

I'm not gonna bury another Batman.

1. Heat
2. this
3. Collateral
4. Manhunter
5. Ali

I feel the same way about The Social Network, in relation to Fincher's filmography. It's all talking (and no serial killers or career criminals) but it feels no different than anything else they'd done before, in terms of quality and their style.

Manhunter and Ali, too.

It's my 2nd favorite of Mann's films, next to Heat (which is my all-time favorite). It's basically that film, with arguments instead of gunfights. Nobody dies but the stakes are just as high, and the feeling of the world fucking Jeffrey Wigand over is palpable throughout.

Maybe, but I'm not sure how much of the blame can be laid at his feet on this. If American Sniper hadn't opened the same weekend I think it would have done a lot better.

I didn't see James Caan giving back everything he stole either. Betrayed the title a bit.

Is that domestic? I think the film was made more with an international market in mind since Formula 1 isn't 20 rednecks riding around in circles.

As good as I'm sure Blackhat is (seeing it this week), I really hope Michael Mann gets back in the TV game. Luck aside, his style is perfect for the medium now.

For what it's worth, I liked his score for Million Dollar Baby.

There's going to be one if it loses, just to see the target audience adopt that flippant attitude about Hollywood's liberal bias.

Makes you wonder how things would have changed had he not had that white-hot heat of public scrutiny that came with that major success, if he would have been able to somehow reconcile his childhood being taken away from him in a way that wouldn't have lead to such personal trials and tribulations on himself and others

Still waiting for David Fincher's follow-ups to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, but I'm guessing it's not going to happen lately.