
Shawshank is one of my favorite movies ever, ad-nauseum showings on cable be damned. I got nothing on NBK since I think I may have seen it once or twice and wasn't too terribly moved by it (except maybe to change the channel). I can't even claim it as the worst Oliver Stone film since U-Turn takes that mantle.

It was going to end that way but the producers and studio wanted the beach ending. Darabont was clever in cutting away to a super-wide shot once they embrace.

First theatrical release anyway, Darabont had done a TV movie before.

I may have just been a wee lad but I remember loving the taste of Crystal Pepsi. For awhile Fridays in '94 were a Crystal Pepsi and a Butterfinger after school with my brother and old man. Those were the days :(

And they have a VHS tape of the videos to taunt him with from time to time.

Okay some of it was bad (particularly the ending) but I didn't feel it was a waste of my time. Maybe if I saw it again.

I liked Smokin' Aces.

Someone should have made that someone listen to Opeth.

Yeah, not a good year for the Juice.

Not to mention the restraining order from Melissa Leo.

ZMF is alive and well on Twitter. I think he just comments on the Shield reviews that have been coming in lately.

That's understandable, but I think the film doesn't make the assumption that his character is some kind of seasoned veteran at it. To the contrary he's seen reading books on what to do in a survival-type situation.

You'd need someone stoic enough, and known for silence like Redford is. Eastwood would have done the part justice, but he would have had to direct it too and it probably would have been more conventional than for someone on his 2nd pass at it.

Started getting discs from Netflix a few weeks ago, so I've been starting to slowly catch up with recent films.

Don't have the DVD but this doesn't sound uncommon. I don't know how much you see it now, but there are a lot of trailers that use some material that doesn't end up in the final product. The trailer for Heat sticks out particularly as there's one line of dialogue from De Niro you don't see in the final version.

That's an excellent point and a horrifying thought. For anyone who speaks their mind like Simmons does but is actually coherent enough to stand by what they say, people will find fault with it anyway. Look at what happened to Roger Waters recently. CSNY about 10 years ago when they played Neil Young's protest record

What makes you say that?

What was Kanye right about?