
I remember that episode of Raw. That was when they were doing the guest host thing every week for awhile, in lieu of a general manager figure for the show. Some of it was pretty good, but I remember it getting pretty old fast especially when they got some people not totally into the gig (Dennis Miller being a prime

Daughter, actually but who's counting.

Just an excuse to post this work of genius.

I think J.K. Simmons had the biggest hurdle to overcome after Oz ended, but he did it amazingly. To use one example, the dad in Juno is about as far away from that character as possible.

To do it properly, I think there had to be some grunting, too.

He was in the first two Harold & Kumar movies, and ironically Elias Koteas was in the third one.


Crouch is a grouch.

It's the hair, since it straightened out she got way hotter.

What were they?

I love "Blow Up The Outside World".

Couldn't start anyway.

I prefer The Who's cover. The segue into "Take Me To The Pilot" is good.

He's smart funny and affable, but ultimately I must agree with this.

I'm digging the recent trend in massive reissues. The Zeppelin sets interest me a little, but with no surround mixes I may just stick to the cheaper editions.

Anyone watching Ah-nuld on WWE Raw tonight? And will there be a review of WrestleMania?

The "Stars And Stripes" bit made me laugh pretty hard, otherwise a pretty solid D from me.

Not so much the album, but the title track. They had major difficulties recording it and though it was something of a breakthrough for them (their first album to go no. 1 on the UK charts), the experience putting it together put a damper on it all.

I only know about most USA programming because of commericals during WWE. And now it looks like they might be going somewhere else.