
The first time I saw the "DON'T **** WITH MY CITY" poster, I laughed out loud and even thinking about it makes me chuckle. Bitterly so, considering Chicago's ACTUAL corruption within their police force.

Maybe because "morally compromising" is inherently more interesting to viewers than "inspiring" now? This could easily turn into a discussion of how dark television drama has gotten as a whole. Likely the show with the most morals on right now that's any kind of success is NCIS, and even they have to resort to

Stuffed themselves inside refrigerators.

Is anyone else getting the feeling this might be a darker season?

Same here. I liked Jason-Gray Stanford on Monk and was kind of delighted to see him here. Shame they killed him off.

B for me as well. I liked the Elmore tribute at the beginning. It was an okay start. I won't say "disappointed" but it sort of lacked the bang I'd been hoping for, but I'm assuming that will accumulate as time goes on.

Dude needs nothing short of a telethon.

What albums?

I saw it in the local theater.

I don't blame him for being bitter about it either. In this more politically-correct age, it's not as accepted as much to still hold a grudge even into death it seems.

I owned that, before selling it on ebay I think. Nice LP-sized liner notes.

These are coming out from Sony, not their own distribution so it should sound (and look, there's a DVD coming too) top-notch.

I'll go as far as to say that Forrest Gump is just okay and mostly skates by because of Tom, and a few of the supporting roles as well. The harsh criticism comes from a rational position but it still can't help but be charming, unlike something like Rain Man which feels a lot colder if put up against Gump.

I know you're joking but the studio albums are each getting boxsets.

I have. It's definitely a close second to Cast Away for me.

Mike Oldfield, Transatlantic, and David Crosby all have albums coming out this month I'm looking forward to. Roger Waters' next solo album later this year, and maybe even David Gilmour's too hopefully. Steven Wilson is recording a new album later this summer, which makes me think we'll probably get it sometime late

Cast Away. For me, probably Zemeckis' best post-BTTF film. Tom Hanks kind of stretched the limits of his likability factor here, in a good way I think.

Peter's smile when Quagmire says "forklift" pushes it up to a C- for me.

It was just on TBS last night…

Escape From Alcatraz