
They did that not too long ago I believe.

Cool. Good choice of picture now, actually. I believe it was part of the sleeve for the album.

After Keith Moon died, Phil approached Pete Townshend and said he'd drop everything if he'd be offered to join The Who.

Well there was also a lot of stuff he produced and played on. And the appearance at Live Aid. And drumming for Robert Plant and Eric Clapton in between Genesis tours. And the acting. I think what people saw as over-exposure really was just a strong work ethic. And it finally affected him physically, to where he was

To me, the weakest Genesis album is Calling All Stations, but there are a few good songs on there. Three is close, but there are a lot of songs I really like as well, like "Many Too Many" and "Deep In The Motherlode".

"Home By The Sea" is a great song. Even better live with the projections and lights during the jam bit.

Only way I can explain it is that somebody had to be the whipping boy for 80's pop culture and it was him.

"Les Boys" is a worse song. But not by much.

Banks and Rutherford (along with Gabriel and Anthony Phillips) originally set out as song-writers and only formed Genesis when nobody was taking their material. So the ability to write simpler material was always there, it became an advantage by the time of their first big success because in part the song-writing had

"Abacab" is a great live track. Best version is from the Wembley Stadium show at the end of the Invisible Touch tour.

You know, "Me And Sarah Jane" is one I've heard maybe once or twice but didn't give it much thought. I keep hearing it's great but it hasn't sucked me in.

This article brings up some interesting points of how "prog" became more minimalistic in the 80's. There were some bands in the 70's that had done this (Supertramp, ELO) but kept the spirit of the times intact. By the time the 80's hit, you had these bands like Yes that were considered "dinosaurs" by the punk crowd

My name comes from a line in "Dodo/Lurker".

Nah, just like getting into some bar fight or something with Walt egging him on and winning.

I'm sure one of those words would be Obama now.

I'll go with you on 1,2 and 4. Those were good seasons of television, bad B-stories and all. The Trinity stuff is the best the show had ever done, because there was never anyone who deserved a round on the table more than Arthur. Just pure, perverted evil from beginning to end with him.

Is it fair to say anything with Bruckheimer's name on it is garbage now? Last thing he did I kind of liked was National Treasure.

"King Midas in reverse" would be better.

After last night's Dexter I hope next week starts with Walt hassling a redheaded lumberyard guy on his way back to NM.

I hope it's not affected too badly. For some reason, I would see the next Die Hard if he's cast as the villain. He could have a good rapport with Bruce.