

I watched several episodes at my family's last Christmas gathering. Pretty clear they were cut from the same cloth as Pawn Stars, which I find enjoyable enough. This isn't too bad, from what I've seen either.

He's in Phil Spector as the judge, I believe.


At least we didn't have to wade through 20 minutes of local news to get to see scenes from next weeks show.

I'm a jawbreaker for redheads.

Thanks. I'm not sure it would be my definitive review, as the show was so much more than just that. It didn't sell him though as far as I can tell.

The line I used to try and sell my brother on the show is that Vic Mackey is basically De Niro and Pacino's characters in Heat all rolled into one guy.

They'd never have been considered a power trio as such, but I always thought it a shame that Pink Floyd had to use so many session musicians on the two post-Waters albums, never just doing something with the three core members. Gilmour was a better bassist than Roger and could have taken those duties in his sleep.

Also played the concert promoter in The Blues Brothers.

Spent this weekend listening to Big Big Train, a progressive rock band out of England. One of their members is Dave Gregory, who was in XTC, I've been especially blown away by their recent English Electric records.

God I love that movie. The DVD has been collecting dust lately so between this and seeing Royal Tenenbaums (which uses some of Dylan's music as score) on Blu, I ought to check it out again soon.

This is nitpicking, but she's also a bit too ethnic to make one believe they both would have lily white kids.

If it was two shows in their infancy, probably. I was too emotionally invested in what was happening on BB to even give much of a hoot on what was going on on True Blood.

With glasses on, no less.

No such thing as 3 halves.

Plus she's putting off a bit of a dominatrix vibe. So she stays.

There's a weird comfort in seeing a cheesy show like this before a brainy behemoth like Breaking Bad, which is how I watched it last year. I felt the same way about how Showtime put Homeland on after Dexter for it's first two seasons.

He's easily the best thing about Under The Dome.