
Especially if said kids and adults look nothing alike. It's not a great movie by any stretch, but I noticed this when I saw the kid who plays Matt Damon's son in We Bought A Zoo (and is currently on Under The Dome). It made me realize how little families are cast on resemblance, it's not something that should be as

Just as sad is how John McCain had to adapt himself to the far-right wing of the Republican party once W trampled him in 2000.

Didn't make that connection until now.

Not enough red.

It would be hard to imagine, but one thing that maybe could have been interesting was seeing how the meth would have affected kids in Jr's school, maybe a friend of his getting hooked on it or something. It would be too on the nose if he became an addict himself (not to mention all the more sad, because of his

I love Munich. It's probably the only thriller he's done that depends on tension based on story, not special effects (or a barely-functioning mechanical shark).

I wonder where they would have went with the son if it went as originally planned.

I think they should have, but I also accept that it presented a knotty problem as how to continue on because I remember the initial promotion being equal to both characters. Would feel odd if they just continued with just Carrie being the center.

I Netflixed the first four seasons and consider myself lucky that I have been able to watch last year's and this final season the way I feel it should be watched. I have nothing against binge-watching, but the old-fashioned way works better because it allows the episode to settle into your mind easier.

If nothing else, next season has to be the last.

I haven't been watching, but it seems to me a rape scene would be out of character for a Sorkin show.

May as well post next week's review Monday morning or something. Doubt we'll be here to comment on it around this time next week.

Got to love a host who says "I actually took acid with our next guest".

Is that true?

Which is the one that had the Foreigner song in it?


If it comes out this year, hopefully The Grand Budapest Hotel. Wes returning to widescreen and a more adult-centered story.

My DW superfan ex-girlfriend actually had a bit of a crush on Richard Hammond because he'd make a good Doctor.

I'll second the love for Magnification. Great (actual) orchestral album. The DVD they did for the following tour where they played mostly old songs with a full orchestra is pretty essential.

No, for his 2009 album Scratch My Back.