
Is it worse if the propensity for abuse was somehow enhanced by drug or alcohol addiction, or if the man doing it is just naturally abusive to women?

I can imagine that in certain ways, society has always been like this and it's not a new thing. The bad people intrigue us in the exact volume that good people inspire us.

Basically, yes. It's just been subverted into a buzz word.

Why would they be taken seriously in academics?

Fox News?

Hendrix hit a girl with a telephone when he was drunk. Syd Barrett hit his girl with a mandolin when he was on Mandrax (quaaludes).

This is an important distinction that is lost on a lot of people who use this word, when it applies to progressive rock. I'm not trying to start a flame war here with people who don't like the music, that's their prerogative. Just wanting to show you how I see it.

Jackson Browne?

Not at all. And as the likely sole-defender of progressive rock in this thread, I cannot see how that applies to the genre at large. Especially bands who've continued to perform what is considered "prog".

*points to my post below yours*

Except "Hurricane"…

Things Justin Beiber has said and will no doubt continue to say will truly be more pretentious than all the prog rock ever written, recorded, released and re-released ever.

Me too. It's easier to sympathize with people who give their songs for such purposes, considering the music business has been losing money for quite awhile now.

I heard a bit of it and would agree.

When it comes to RS specifically, they did a cover story on Morrison around this time with the famous headline "He's hot, he's sexy and he's dead". The use of "The End" in Apocalypse Now had a part to play in this as well.

Towards the end, you can tell how tired Jim was being of a rock star. Maybe it was the alcohol or the Miami thing hanging over his head, but I've heard some versions of "Light My Fire" or "Break On Through" from around 1970 where you can hear in his voice how sick he is of singing them.

Eh…I don't remember John Densmore having a New York accent.

I'd say that him Krieger and Densmore were on equal levels of musicianship. But yeah, quite talented in his own right as a singer. Even a pretty good guitarist.

Two, not three, albums Ray sung on, btw. Other Voices and Full Circle.

Recent? There have been a few snarky Doors articles here going years back I think.