This article is because I googled Tura Santana yesterday, isn't it? Git yer filters outta m' durn googler!
This article is because I googled Tura Santana yesterday, isn't it? Git yer filters outta m' durn googler!
This article is because I googled Tura Santana yesterday, isn't it? Git yer filters outta m' durn googler!
Any more points for the faked death when we bring back the whole Holmes allusion? This episode was sort of Laurie's Reichenback Falls?
Any more points for the faked death when we bring back the whole Holmes allusion? This episode was sort of Laurie's Reichenback Falls?
great. Now I can't stop thinking about your avatar of the fat kid with pink-eye doing a striptease.
great. Now I can't stop thinking about your avatar of the fat kid with pink-eye doing a striptease.
I absolutely agree with you, but if we wanna open this category up to Irish music, we'll be here all day. In fact, Tim Finnegan's Wake is the only irish song I can think of off the top of my head with a happy ending, and the main guy spends 9/10 of the song dead.
I absolutely agree with you, but if we wanna open this category up to Irish music, we'll be here all day. In fact, Tim Finnegan's Wake is the only irish song I can think of off the top of my head with a happy ending, and the main guy spends 9/10 of the song dead.
Jazz Flute solo!
Jazz Flute solo!
P.S.- I don't know how this wasn't the first idea in everyone's head, but "People who died" by Jim Carroll.
P.S.- I don't know how this wasn't the first idea in everyone's head, but "People who died" by Jim Carroll.
Folsom Prison Blues. Never have so many people been so happy to sing the line "…I hang my head and cry".
Folsom Prison Blues. Never have so many people been so happy to sing the line "…I hang my head and cry".
Not the kid from Tall Tale?!? First Patrick Swayze, now him! Someone alert Oliver Platt!
The entire missing end of the 9th Gate, is the Judge really the Devil, what won't Meatloaf do for love, does the top stop spinning, WTF is the island, who is Jon Snow's mother, who shot the deputy, what happened to Ichabod Crane, why would aliens invade a planet that's 73% water if they're allergic to water, was…
I think you accidently left out the Scatman.
No Children by Mountain Goats. I don't really get mad any more, I just get weary. Madness is a young man's game. And ryan adam's.
I know Luck is on our minds lately, but it seems ill-placed on this list. Whereas the show (at least) claims that they adheared to safety standards, these other movies mostly record for dramatic effect the real intentional deaths of animals. Needless to say, I'm sad I just started watching Luck, and now I've got…
Oh, I thought they meant sophomore year of high school. y'know, when I was DRUNK.