Where's my burrito?
Where's my burrito?
Abnormally high if you're Eric "I have seen Space Jam at least 30 times, including 10 times in the last two years" Thurm.
"Why me? Ten million motherfuckers freebasing, and I'm the one who blows up!"
Except that he referred to them as "homosexuals" and not "transpeople."
Is hating Kubrick hip yet? Doubt it.
Even the worst Adult Swim originals and MacFarlane shits are better than FOX ADHD. I don't like to agree with the Parents Television Council, but "High School USA" truly is the worst show on TV.
Though hair metal's descendents were even worse than most post-grunge bands (save Nickelback and Creed). If Cobain had lived a little longer, maybe he could have prevented Chinese Democracy as well.
And Neil Goldman makes two appearances in one season for the first time since Season 4!
Mr. Sled is a loser and I think he is a boozer, so you'd better make that call to the Sled King!
When I saw them at FYF Fest, they had a male member of the audience come up to sing the line "Summer's ready" in a glorious falsetto.
Not the only time. "This heat's so crazy it's got grandma acting normal."
The fact that the song was actually spelled "Bare Necessities" to begin with has never been more appropriate.
Due to Space Jam, I always thought it was called "Hoop (There It Is)."
Yeah, especially when they could have covered it with pornographic images of Charlotte Pickles in S&M gear instead.
I think this is the first time in over a decade that I've seen the name "10,000 Maniacs" outside of a $1 bargain rack at my local record store.
I loved how Quagmire's line after Joe arrests Sonia, "I'm pretty fuckin' far from alright," is taken nearly verbatim from Marsellus Wallace post-rape, with the key difference being the subtle insertion of Quagmire's other overused catchphrase.
I liked the part when Doug creator Jim Jinkins "reveals" that Skeeter Valentine was supposed to be African-American (which apparently is the case with many blue cartoon characters, such as Bubs "Mine Name Cornbread" from Homestar Runner), despite the fact that he once claimed that he made all the Doug characters…
"Very nice! How much? High five! So excite! My wife is dead! What up vanilla face? Is Freddie Mercury a homosexual? My name-a Borat! I like you! I like sex!……..Not!"
Was "jawbreakers" a reference to Ed, Edd, n Eddy? I can't recall any other significant usages of them in pop culture.