
Now Dry Casks. The primary document source I used for this is NUREG/CR-6407 [1].

Let me first point out I can only discuss nuclear operations from the U.S. perspective, I cannot comment on the procedures and regulatory guidelines of France and Japan or any other country, for that matter.

Care to share why you believe it to be unsafe? I have a stack of Holtec documents right here on my desk and I'd be glad to dispel any misconceptions you, or perhaps I, have concerning dry cask storage.

Nuclear waste is not as not a big a problem as many people think. Billions were spent by the federal government to create Yucca Mountain. Of course after the money was all spent, the NIMBYers decided to shut it down, but plants found a way around this. They created the means to store the nuclear waste on-site. You

A beach is safer. All nuclear power plants are built next to a source of water, so that in the worst of circumstances, like with Fukushima, you can drain water from the ocean/lake and use it to cool the core. This statement is indicative that the public is simply not smart enough to make any sort of judgement

Which is odd, the trailer for Upstream Color is probably my favorite trailer of all time. Carruth produces the trailers too, I assume.

Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Philadelphia Flyers tonight on NBCSN @ 8PM EST. The 11-6-0 Pens are up against bitter rivals 6-10-1 Flyers. The Flyers certainly are having some early-season struggles, and the Pens have last lost their last two games. Expect them both to bring it tonight.