
I made it through the whole season of "The Killing" but I couldn't make it through this episode of "Smash."  When they started dancing around the bowling alley I stopped it, deleted the episode, and deleted the show from my DVR schedule.  I'm usually a completionist but this show is some kind of combination of

"1989, my friend, was the year I learned to use the toaster by myself."  Having played the "When you were a teenager getting high at that concert, I was in nursery school" game myself, that line made the episode an A for me.

It sounded like something Stefan from SNL would say.

Now we finally see when he shaved his mustache, meaning that a lot of those confessionals were filmed several challenges after the fact.

My husband and I watch that every Christmas while wrapping presents.  Somehow it shouldn't be good, but it is.

It sends me into uncontrollable giggles every time I see it.  I think my favorite part is when he's got the foil swan.

I introduced some friends to Archer, played several hours of Rayman Origins, and watched the first three episodes of Parenthood.

Realizing this is why I stopped watching Jerry Springer.

Seriously, what is up with the disappearing and reappearing facial hair?  How long afterwards were those confessionals shot?


I seriously thought they had named them "McButts"  Saw a commercial for them and that's what it sounded like.  It didn't seem like that could be their real name, but I couldn't think of what it would actually be.

Roast Beef w/ Horseradish

Also "theoretically"

Sorrow.  Unquestionable sorrow.
