Holdie Martinson

Cory knows where it's at with Disintegration.

I love The Cure. They were my mom's band, and, in turn, a group that was big to me since I was a kid. Disintegration is great (it's my favorite by them, and one of my favorite albums of all time), but albums like Wish, Seventeen Seconds, and even Head in the Door usually get left out of the conversation (of how

This was a Yeah Yeah Yeahs album. It starts off all sassy, continues as such until near the end when it suddenly becomes sentimental and heart-something. But, like all Yeah Yeah Yeahs albums, it's still very good.

They're supposed to be professionals. If they don't remember high school, then they need to remind themselves of high schools. More importantly, how are the writers supposed to relatable adolescent stories if they don't even know what they're writing about.

The more I've watched Glee over the years, the more I realize how these people have really never been to a high school.

I think that one album from The Postal Service says a lot more than three or four albums from The Postal Service, even if that sounds better on the surface.

That song honestly does something to me every time I listen to it that no other song does, be it by The National or anyone else. Easily in my top ten favorite songs of all time.


1. The Geese of Beverly Road
2. Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks
3. Mistaken for Strangers
4. Slow Show
5. All the Wine
6. Lemonworld
7. Little Faith
8. Murder Me Rachel 
9. Fake Empire
10. Terrible Love

Anthony Jeselnik. <3

The first season was so bad that I'm hesitant to get into this, but I might give it a shot.

I think it's Benoit balls. But yeah… I agree. Seems strange.

Beasts of the Southern Wild is precisely about none of that. It speaks more to the ideas of community, of knowing where a person's place is, and of honoring one's relationships. So it happens to parallel Katrina, but that doesn't make it an anti-government film. It makes it a film about people who are comfortable with

No Michael Scarn? No Michael Clump? No Prison Mike? No Ping? No Blindguy McSqueezy? No Michael the Magic? No characters from Michael Scott?