
Cap-and-trade was the pro-business, market-based Republican alternative to a straight-up carbon tax - a way for polluters to avoid having to stop polluting by buying and trading credits on the market. Until Wall Street Democrats like Al Gore took it up, at which point it became a communist plot.

Cap-and-trade was the pro-business, market-based Republican alternative to a straight-up carbon tax - a way for polluters to avoid having to stop polluting by buying and trading credits on the market. Until Wall Street Democrats like Al Gore took it up, at which point it became a communist plot.

Not mine. In CA it's mostly natural gas, hydroelectric and nukes.

Not mine. In CA it's mostly natural gas, hydroelectric and nukes.

Similar problem in the Pacific Northwest & the timber industry. Working-class folks got all upset with the enviros for protesting against clearcutting. Even though the practice of clearcutting was designed to reduce the number of people they had to hire to turn more trees into lumber. See also "mountaintop removal".

Similar problem in the Pacific Northwest & the timber industry. Working-class folks got all upset with the enviros for protesting against clearcutting. Even though the practice of clearcutting was designed to reduce the number of people they had to hire to turn more trees into lumber. See also "mountaintop removal".

I was wondering about that from the article too: "For example, pictures of pretty mountains. West Virginia has lots of them." I was under the impression they'd all been blown up to get at that sweet, sweet coal, with everything that isn't coal dumped into the rivers and creeks winding between 'em.

I was wondering about that from the article too: "For example, pictures of pretty mountains. West Virginia has lots of them." I was under the impression they'd all been blown up to get at that sweet, sweet coal, with everything that isn't coal dumped into the rivers and creeks winding between 'em.

Most folks forget that West Virginia exists because it seceded from Virginia when Virginia seceded from the Union.

Most folks forget that West Virginia exists because it seceded from Virginia when Virginia seceded from the Union.

[never mind]

[never mind]

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus "Just as long as we all agree that Wall Street is the center."
Yes, as the ruling class always is, by definition.

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus "Just as long as we all agree that Wall Street is the center."
Yes, as the ruling class always is, by definition.

@avclub-7ca78a10cfa7979fa4f7bc153d0aa36b:disqus - Thanks for the clarification.

@avclub-7ca78a10cfa7979fa4f7bc153d0aa36b:disqus - Thanks for the clarification.

The platform of the Democratic Leadership Council - aka the Clinton/Gore wing of the Demo Party - is precisely that the Democratic Party should give no concessions to the left, if they want to win elections. Because they don't have to - because the left have nowhere else to go. The way to win elections, says the DLC,

The platform of the Democratic Leadership Council - aka the Clinton/Gore wing of the Demo Party - is precisely that the Democratic Party should give no concessions to the left, if they want to win elections. Because they don't have to - because the left have nowhere else to go. The way to win elections, says the DLC,

People don't know the difference between private ownership of the means of production and private ownership of the house you live in or the car you drive.

People don't know the difference between private ownership of the means of production and private ownership of the house you live in or the car you drive.