if this feature is stretching into the artifice of alter egos, why not solicit some us in the commentariat for their hatesong or fan up? just sayin'.
if this feature is stretching into the artifice of alter egos, why not solicit some us in the commentariat for their hatesong or fan up? just sayin'.
that's what makes python magical, to me. it never holds. even recollections of skits are murky with only poignant lines surfacing concretely.
great job!
firstly, congrats on your good news.
i'm finally getting tired of marijuana. it's tough; i'm extremely bored and unmotivated; but that was true when i hid behind a five-fingered friend. to be clear, i don't wish to vilify the substance, because it has its uses (medicinal and social); it's just gonna take some time to…
i reckon he hates it because its repetitive melody and lyrics entrance. the lyrics negate the idea that this isn't a small world. listen to it enough; repeat it enough; and one might get stuck in the small world. stationary meditation, if you will.
i liken that joke you reference to something i'd expect daffy duck, bugs bunny, chilly willy or woody woodpecker might do in the course of a cartoon. for me, in this instance, that's the key to referenced joke.
ah, 1990 - freshman year at the university of florida.
*smacks helmet/mask in a homoerotic way* *gaze lingers on the gulf of aden*
kill list i saw about 1.5 months ago. *SPOILERISH* i got that this PTSD rage case is the new god of the cult. i understood it as wheatley saying that our social inheritance is bankruptcy. i just didn't like the editing. i read up some of wheatley's interviews, and after that it confirmed that there's simply too many…
moon's day
to live and die in l.a.…i too clenched fist and jaw when watching that for the first time last year.
oh boy. do I love'em.
yup, ak press series. don't know your preferences, but the james carr book is truly incredible. tully went on to be a prominent hollywood journalist. like, interviewer of the stars.
i'll get back to reading the entire article, but hoo-hoo! total SHOUT-OUT ('scuse - FAN UP) to Nabat Books. Folks, examining the transgressive is always engaging and enlightening. I know, I sound like a fuddy-duddy, but fuck it. These books are windows into the lives of uncompromising people.
I thank you again for the enlightening context, @avclub-095543c425d38265455b460a8b71ee8f:disqus .
someone i went to the beach with as a kid had the jaws towel. it's such a hit at the beach!
so, uh, how're they gonna dumb down the more esoteric aspects of arts and antiques? most of mortdecai's (never read the moustache thing) plots focus on deep arcana of…ah, I don't care. i'm gonna ignore it anyway. maybe see it on vid/streaming some years down the line.
the bad brains' pay to cum blaring through the club. the subtext (for me) of conformity by coercion re mohawk night. scorsese definitely abosrbs and reflects his new york in film - from era to era.
nice work, sean.
i lobbied very hard, like pre-pre-pre pregnancy, for RAGNAROK. i increased said lobby when some of our pals had a kid and named him thor. other friends had a son around the same time and named him bronson (after the refn flick). i thought that might bolster the lobby, but to no avail.