
I have this vague idea that she might be in a band. But I feel like researching further might be depressing. 

But… he stars in action movies.

Luthor always wanted what was best for humanity. And I include his anti-alien agenda in that assessment.

It's a caption contest. Cracked did not invent them. And the one over at Cracked uses internet/news ephemera, and the AV Club one uses film stills, so they're not even that similar.

Her voice cracking on "He took my childhood" kills me. It was a genuinely original performance of a song that's practically a Broadway cliché, and it blew all those previous versions out of the water. Truly great performance, I'm glad she's a lock for the Supporting Actress.

In their defense, a lot of these movies were released really late in the year, to coincide with Oscar campaigns, so they've only had a couple of weeks to see most of them. Still, it's disconcerting to see opinions given by people who openly admit to not having seen the film, or only having seen one nominee. Why not

Really hyped performances usually grate on me too, because it's just the PR machine usually running independent of the movie, but… I've heard a dozen versions of I Dreamed a Dream before, and never heard anyone own it like Hathaway did. The movie was pretty weak overall, but I'm going to remember those 3 minutes for

Oh, that dance club scene is a thing of heart-rending beauty. It made me long for my own mother. And we aren't even close! But for that moment Hushpuppy and I were one.

@avclub-bd639b876c6a37363c08ea18cbcfe0c4:disqus  She was cast at 6, but the movie was filmed three months later, when she was 7.

Seconded on Dwight Henry. In his first damn role, no less! I can't believe that man is a successful baker in real life, not an alcoholic abusive father.

Oh man, I watched Hunchback a couple of months ago with my five year old sister and I guess it was one of the few Disney movies that wasn't on in heavy rotation when I was a kid, because all I remembered going into it were the goofy gargoyles.

Good call on Repo! - disturbing as it is to acknowledge, Paris Hilton kills it in that movie. It helps that she's playing a drug-addled heiress addicted to plastic surgery, who can't sing.

Rachel and Jesse St James did an amazing a cappella of "Rolling in the Deep" in season… 3? It's fucking fantastic.

I was going to argue that on a weaker year it might have gotten a nod for visual effects, but then I remembered that the effects weren't actually very good.

I was going to argue that on a weaker year it might have gotten a nod for visual effects, but then I remembered that the effects weren't actually very good.

It's not a criticism I've ever heard before either, but when you think about it… Huh.

@avclub-f1402e9c7903871f821a3065c77dc691:disqus Sad to say, that's not the case. The Netherlands has one of the most pernicious sex slave trades around. Basically, there aren't enough women who want to be prostitutes to fulfil the demand, and in countries where prostitution is legal the demand is even higher.

Or  = gay main character who doesn't die tragically, teaching us all a lesson about tolerance.

Magic Mike was so much more than I expected it to be. I'm always going to admire a guy who can
a) make a male stripper movie intended for wide release
b) make a male stripper movie with depth
c) make a lot of money out of a male stripper movie with a lot of depth.

@avclub-f74abeeef47cc95a3f55c6de521fd2f4:disqus   I'd argue she's often the best thing in Burton projects too, even these days - she was the only good part of Alice in Wonderland, as I remember it (ok, "good" might be a strong term - tolerable?), and I really liked her interpretation of Mrs Lovett in Sweeney Todd.