Nacho Matrimony

Though to be fair, History Professor, For Your Consideration fell a bit flat.

I kind of thought "2" was everything "Grinderman" should have been. Cave and co. nailed the intense, synthy messing that marked the latter half of the first album and managed to sustain it all throughout 2.

Definitely Pete & Pete
I empathize with Marah completely; the show's brilliance occurred to me when I remembered it in my late-teens, and was affirmed by revisiting it on DVD. It was near perfect surrealism, conveying sick days, the high school marching band, and the ever-so mysterious ice cream man just as

Fuck, unintentional pun.

I too am a AVC/Disney snob, The Devil, Hat Box Ghost, and Christy.

I don't know, I liked "Georgia" just fine but lyrically it fell a little short on the verses. While both songs capture the traditional soul sound to a t, I found myself having to rely mostly on Cee-Lo's voice to get through "Georgia". "Fuck You" has the stronger arrangements to back him.

Hot Rats (again)
I know I wrote this in another thread- perhaps in another Q&A as well- but less than halfway through "Peaches En Regalia" I was all but convinced that this was music in one of the purest and most brilliant interpretations of its definition. The music literally made me smile and say to myself "this is

I feel like there's a lot more content on Awesome Show not comprised of poop jokes then most of the posters here let on.

I was in a Roman souvenir shop seemed to exclusively play Bowie's Modern Love and China Girl consecutively, ad infinitum.

When it came to social commentary in music, Zappa was one of the best to do it. That being said, I'm glad he never ran for any sort of office. As much as it seemed otherwise, music always came first.

Hamm's lines work so well because he's essentially Cliff Claven, except a piggy bank. It just seems to work.

On crassness
I can understand how MoH might seem to be preying on current events, but Bulletstorm had a good humor about it?

The self-titled album is pretty good, but very unrefined and muddled compared to its successors. The tracks that really stand out, aside from 19-2000 and perhaps a few others,are the ones in which Del delivers some excellent verses. It's a fine album, though at times gets caught in this unremarkable rowdiness that

Cars 2 might be iffy, but Monsters Inc. 2 is welcome so long as it's just as amazing as the first. I've yet to find a reason for doubting Pixar, even when their cinematic seams show.

In my case, the album just set this standard for how brilliant and moving music can be to an individual. I found it arresting, refreshing, and perfectly composed- aside from "The Gumbo Variations," but that was a jam anyway. I was completely seized by the music.

Hot Rats
Was epiphany-inducing. "Peaches En Regalia" captures almost everything that's amazing about Zappa.

As far as Stadium Arcadium's concerned, RHCP is a bit unpredictable at this point. Most of the music was good, but just seemed aimless or weak. This is mostly because of exceptionally absurd lyricism and… yeah, Kiedis is sounding awfully old.

Er, I meant false.

Pete & Pete
Held up very well when I revisited the series a couple of summers ago. The show's fantasized versions of facile sick days and monotonous marching bands were spot on and often affecting, and the surreality of it all was smart, and made it so much fun to watch. Throw in some awesome cameos and totally 90s

The two I can remember off the top of my head are Regina Specktor and Stanley Tucci.