
so THAT's how Georgy writes his posts.

For a moment I thought he was talking about Jim Rockford the AVC commenter. Then I saw the ID and realised it was just the usual stream of Homsar.

Hey Christian - Weird Al Yankovic called. He says you can keep the rest of his wide-eyed schtick, but he does want his moustache back.

I just can't look at that guy…
…without getting that song stuck in my head.

I used to be With It, but then It changed, and what I was With wasn't It anymore. And now It is weird and scary.

No! Judy Greer! You know, Judy Greer? The pair of tits from Adaptation? Hello?!

The sun is out, Elegant Victorian Lady is back, Russell Brand's new movies are getting stomped by critics… ahh, life is sweet.

I guess what we're learning is that spending is a zero-sum game however you do it. So screw coupons because they only have them for pikey food anyway.

Given the way things are looking, I'm guessing he'll be replaced by either a vampire or Charlie Sheen. That guy seems to have time on his hands.

But won't we need a giant to push the train?

The David Bowie reference is a bit obvious if you've seen Velvet Goldmine. (It was the first film I made out to, so Eddie Izzard's beard and Ewan McGregor's penis - which were both new on the scene then - always make me feel kinda warm).

Nah, there's a cross-dresser in The Riches. It just isn't Eddie.

So no love for the Cadbury's Caramel bunny? With that bow tie tied just a bit too tight around her throat?

wtf is americans complaining about crap beer lol

What, is diabetes busy?

Charlotte's Web 2
Charlotte's Web 2?

Well exactly. It just looks to me like an exploitation film masquerading as social commentary - THAT SAID, I haven't seen either so I'm not really entitled to an opinion, it's just that rhetoric like that sets my bullshit detector off.

While Quentin Tarantino watches him watching it.

Please tell me none of the above is real. (I'm not clicking that link).

People like that white-haired guy are a sticking point for me on films like this. Sure, yes, some people do rape people, but is that actually because there's a significant demographic who think it's OK? Does the average cinema REALLY contain a punter who cheers whenever a woman gets raped onscreen? In public?