land o' gorshin, ed / as your mark is unquestioned / we shall carrey on.
land o' gorshin, ed / as your mark is unquestioned / we shall carrey on.
i bet your lymph nodes / are as big as cats! prob'ly / teaming with plague juice.
i bet your lymph nodes / are as big as cats! prob'ly / teaming with plague juice.
he's just doing this / so real marc will mention him / damned gimmick accounts.
he's just doing this / so real marc will mention him / damned gimmick accounts.
i agree…any / except star wars: the clone wars / roger this, roger.
i agree…any / except star wars: the clone wars / roger this, roger.
your title suggests / that you sound like a toddler / this rant doesn't help
your title suggests / that you sound like a toddler / this rant doesn't help
libertarian? / after civil war happened? / nah. too insecure.
mr. riddler / i only have one question / what's a nubian?
well, she had children / maternal biology… / looks good, doesn't she?
because has two beats / dry, itch, free, spy, skin have one / seven (please write down)
it's gold bond powder / because dry, itch-free spy skin's / a good investment
first captivating / then tony clifton got real / "after all this talk…"
be careful kermit / the germans are not…oy vey / they beat me to it.
they tried that before / hb's "roman holidays" / in '72
the truth is quite good…did omni's "they're made of meat"…it's worth downloading
second to (spoiler)…the bomb bay birthday party…"captain remembered!" just called…could you repeat that comment…without saying fuck?