
Um…so am I to believe that red-headed men /don't/ have rights? I would go check out this group except that would mean I would actually have to go on Reddit.

Not Cho Cheese.

"Exo-Facto, E pluribus unum!'

Drenched in milk? *ba-dum-dum*

You know…for kids.

I'd be interested to see what Miley could do with a recorder.

So, I just binge watched the entire season last night and I must say I really liked it. The first few episodes were a little slow, but it gained speed fast and by the middle there were some outstanding scenes. Also, the last couple of episodes are truly great. The art is way better than the stills are making out.

No judgement. Your comment is precisely why I'm in the comments section.

Howard the Duck re-boot.

The Louis CK is the best!

Frank's 2000 inch TV remains one of my favorite songs of his.

I really liked this episode and the season as a whole. The only thing I kept thinking to myself was, "Good God, it sure does take the police a long time to respond to a 'shots fired' call".

Inevitable gay porn parody title: 'Superman N Batman - Baton of Ruckus'.

Yeeeeah, I'm not watching that.

See you later, boy.

I agree. The show had a slow start, but it had potential. Sort of a 'Leverage' meets 'Lie to Me'. And Steve Zahn did a really good job.

It's log. Log. It's big, it's heavy, it's wood.

I like that my ad for the Princess video was 'Rackspace'. Heh heh…racks.

I bought one deck and my girlfriend bought one deck. Mostly because I'm a magician and she's a playing card collector.

Man of Steel: Superman Goes Batty