rock and roll ape title

Yes, I believe "Mr. Arkadin" is superior to "Citizen Kane," and I can't take you seriously if you can't at least imagine that to be the case.

Godard's "King Lear", you low- and middlebrow bitches!

No they aren't! There are many, many archaic words in the KJB, and you know it (if you've actually read it).

Beethoven's 7th, 3rd movement FTW.

Film Forum is indeed middlebrow. Congratulations, I don't respect you.

Pretty dull stuff, but at least better lowbrow than middlebrow, in my opinion.

"The Wages of Fear"? Come on. That film is goofy as hell.

I think the best introduction to James Brown is the "George" side of the "George and James" album by The Residents.

I can't believe how wrong you are.

You're wrong, just admit it.


Count me among the agree-ers.

Erik Adams, fucking numbskull that he is, gave the finale of "The Office" a better grade than "Diversity Day." That's an A- for "Finale", and a B+ for "Diversity Day."

My question is: why is the A.V. Club so inconsistent on its policy about grading classic episodes? Sometimes they get grades, other times they only get an em dash.

Yeah, that guy rules.


I'll never forgive my ex-girlfriend for making me listen to all this shit. 

Wrong. The Backstreet Boys were big before "The Titanic." Never mind the Spice Girls, which of course were not a boy band but importantly made a case for the revival of catchy pop marketed to young teens.

The first series of "Big Train" is rivetingly funny. Perfect!

This show is usually pretty good, occasionally great. But it's a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE step down from "Father Ted."