rock and roll ape title

@avclub-9d67b0284c2caf6ad412db085a4838b5:disqus Don't tell me you didn't love her as Leilani Burke.

If Fallon is a non-entity, then Jimmy Kimmel is even less - a shadow of a wraith or something.


@courson:disqus Poor Chris Kattan. I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for him now.

@avclub-ebd92c1e51287503620906e6bfb9dfc6:disqus What is the latest with Tila Tequila, anyway? Last I heard she was recovering from her overdose. That was ages ago!

Since Disqus does not offer a sarcasm-meter, I'd say you're the retarded one for assuming that it was a joke. It could go either way, retard.

Agreed. Beatrice Welles is a horrible bitch.

giving two fucks is much more impressive, assuming that they're consecutive. I've given two shits, but I need about an hour (at least, on a good day) between two fucks.

How is "the worst"? Consider for a second that Jim Morrison's parents were in all likelihood a couple of cretinous cunts.

It was the Alternative Nation series - classic. That was also where I first learned about Layne Staley's grim final years, creepy as shit.

The author is correct. Heroin isn't nearly as destructive to your cells as alcohol, etc. But anything can be destructive if you do it in extreme excess.

I'd definitely try opiates, regardless. I've just never had the opportunity. According to no less an authority than William Burroughs, heroin is not addictive until you've taken it several times. I'd like to see what heroin is like first-hand, just once.

Trying to imagine the kind of scumbag that would sell drugs to an 80-pound man with no hair who's lost his teeth and fingernails is a pretty fucking depressing thought in and of itself.

Seriously. What the fuck was that?

"My liver is not functioning and I'm throwing up all the time and shitting my pants."

Also in season 6 - the immortal "Homer Badman".

Good lord is this a great episode. One of my favorites of all time, and between the bookends of "Homer Goes to College" and this one, season 5 was a hell of a ride. Thanks, Mirkin!

When I initially watched the fourth season, I thought it marked a serious drop in quality - well, at least "Fun Run". It seemed cartoonier than anything the series had done before. I still feel that way, to a lesser extent.

And he was a hoops-shooting savant!

And he was a world-class poker player!