Holy Mackinaw Joe

@ Mitch Connors, I just finished it two nights ago. I was a pretty big Ian Curtis fanboy, even after seeing Control, but reading the book really did make him seem like a possessive, hypocritical asshole in some respects.

Also, not necessarily my favourite, but I'm beginning to appreciate "Interzone" again after playing it to death a little while ago.

Nevermind, I thought we were talking about someone else's grave marker.

Hopefully no one steals it.

Lyric-wise, I have to call it for Joy Division. Granted, I've only heard a bit of New Order, but some of the stuff Sumner sings is pretty groan-inducing.

I'd call CancerAIDS, but I'll just agree that it's one of my favourites.

Don't get sucked unda, a numba's a numba.

I looove posts aboot politics!

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"Sherlock Holmes 2 finds its Moriarty in Mad Men actor"
Really? I hope it wasn't too hard to get him out.

Yeah, mine was pretty weak.


This is the first I've heard of this.

Fezzes are cool.