
I once performed Octopus' Garden for an elementary school talent show. I had an octopus strapped to my head and it was choreographed. I think someone lip synching Michael Jackson won that one though. Good Times.

Shiny Happy People and Stand were my jams when I was seven. I still get giddy any time I hear either of them.

I'm really hoping for a setting in New Orleans next season. Oh the things she could do with a cajun drawl…

I'm getting impatient waiting for the time I can read that to my kids. At three and four, they can't sit still long enough to appreciate Dahl.

I'd have done the same thing. Maybe they should rethink their status as swanky.

I binged on S1 last week and during the close up shots of his figeting through his first therapy session with Harmon, all I kept thinking was he looks like every single crush I had in high school, what a cute little Kurt Cobain wannabe. The dark hair this season for some reason doesn't do it for me.
Thredson, though?

I'm with Santos. I watched the first season of Jersey Shore late, late at night when my newborn would wake me up. It was a trainwreck that required no brains to watch, which is easy for a sleep-deprived new mom to deal with. I have no desire to ever watch that mess again. Those people are jerks, and the fact that they

The Photo Shoot is tired
in all the reality shows but RuPaul's Drag Race. I don't know why, but it just works on that show. And considering that it's a contest to see who can 'work' the fiercest, I don't know how you'd have the show without photo shoots.