Llama cull weekend

I just read Live From New York and I guess Victoria Jackson was always like that, she's just now trying to cash in on it.

I just read Live From New York and I guess Victoria Jackson was always like that, she's just now trying to cash in on it.

"Where did you find this guy?"
"Me? I thought you hired him."

"Where did you find this guy?"
"Me? I thought you hired him."

@avclub-b4238f7793ec8c1a632f14f2a1766c68:disqus Shut-ins sitting on their assesssssss just like witches at black massess OH ROLL INTITIATIVE YEAH

@avclub-b4238f7793ec8c1a632f14f2a1766c68:disqus Shut-ins sitting on their assesssssss just like witches at black massess OH ROLL INTITIATIVE YEAH

That's only if you know the first thing about D&D and you didn't just hear from your pastor that it is a satanism recruiting tool.

That's only if you know the first thing about D&D and you didn't just hear from your pastor that it is a satanism recruiting tool.

@avclub-454a7bfd685393329597fdb7a92b7969:disqus You make a good point. I've thought about it, there are a lot of creepy Bronies, but this is the internet there are creepy everythings. Obsessing over kiddie stuff is a garden variety condition. It comes down to firm gender norms, something we'll be dealing with as a

@avclub-454a7bfd685393329597fdb7a92b7969:disqus You make a good point. I've thought about it, there are a lot of creepy Bronies, but this is the internet there are creepy everythings. Obsessing over kiddie stuff is a garden variety condition. It comes down to firm gender norms, something we'll be dealing with as a

*combs Barbie's hair in his filthy bachelor pad* They don't have to use such nice hair but they do.

*combs Barbie's hair in his filthy bachelor pad* They don't have to use such nice hair but they do.

Why did they kick me out of Chuck E. Cheese's I just love Italian food

Why did they kick me out of Chuck E. Cheese's I just love Italian food

It all seems a little unsavory, like a bunch of over and under weight 20-somethings having a grand ol' time at Chuck E. Cheese's.

It all seems a little unsavory, like a bunch of over and under weight 20-somethings having a grand ol' time at Chuck E. Cheese's.

"Dark and Stormy please, extra chunder and lightning."

"Dark and Stormy please, extra chunder and lightning."

The DVD has a lot of bitter caddy interviews since I guess the movie was supposed to focus on them and then whoops we hired all of the funny old people on the planet.

The DVD has a lot of bitter caddy interviews since I guess the movie was supposed to focus on them and then whoops we hired all of the funny old people on the planet.