Fun Guy from Yuggoth

Jabberwocky is not a great movie but it's always stuck with me how it really gets into the medieval filth. Holy Grail does it a bit but not to the same degree.

Southern Comfort. Never again.

"Nutritional" yeast / brewer's yeast / lees scraped out of the tank is legitimately tasty stuff. Stupid expensive though.

Soy and nice olive oil is a fantastic combo as well. It's my go-to for simple rice.

It is not — it's oil emulsified with lecithin, not hydrogenated.

>This would have been on an Apple IIGS

Vectrex is life.

I had a dream last night that involved Louis CK as a multiple murderer. I'm not a fan, I've never watched Louie, the standup I've seen is interesting but not exciting, I don't give him much thought at all. Is this one of those psychic phenomena where the energies of many people all watching the new Netflix at once are

I gave in and finally created a Disuqs account about three months ago because it was impossible to log in as AVC from my mobile. As of today I can't see comments at all on my mobile (anywhere, not just Newswire).

I'm finally back into India After Gandhi by Ramachandra Guha. I started like seven months ago and then drifted off to other Indian history books. Other commentarians have been reading this too, I know — great minds, etc — and I think they'd agree that it's pretty excellent. A bit dry but as a relatively formal,

I'm about a third of the way through A Little Life by Hanya Yanigahara. I picked it up from the free library because according to the cover it was short-listed for the Booker Prize and the National Book Award… I'm feeling distinctly 'meh' about it. It's well-written, clean clear prose and real people in the pages, but

I hate that I get to these so late. I read a Richard Russo novel over
the weekend, an author I'd heard of but not read before. Empire
Falls — I liked it, not spectacular but a sensitive and
well-expressed story of complicated relationships unfolding over a
generation or two in a small community. Good mix of pathos and

I've seen an astonishing number of references (like, four or five — that's astonishing) to India After Gandhi in the 'What are you reading' comments this year. Maybe I notice only because I've just gotten into Indian history myself, but maybe AVC commentary is actually inspiring people to get into this fairly hefty

Candlestick forever.

It's a wholly independent thing now with new ownership, menu etc quite a few years ago. Still has the old sign though.

I've read a bunch of anthologies recently, having no big books particularly in mind. A couple volumes of various "The Best American ——-" series, a Nebula award collection, a selection by Italo Calvino of 19th-century "Fantastic Tales", McSweeney's "Thrilling Tales", and HP Lovecraft. I may try the"Invaders" collection

As much as I love Pixar, I agree Antz is superior to Bug's Life.

Hm, I had no idea Orange did that kind of thing, I associate them with massive cabs.

I think it's fantastic and I'm always surprised when people are having Pixar-oeuvre discussions because it seems to be almost universally overlooked.

Dunno if you're kidding, but it's a moderately famous work by Voltaire.