Scarlett Letter O Whora

I absolutely would, to see if I'm as good as I've heard, and to brush up on certain skills, if need be.

Literally twice my age: I was 26, he was 52.

Some people type things up beforehand and paste it when SL goes up.


USE YOUR WORDS could solve so many of these people's problems

I still need to finish season one!

I must have blinked and missed the "extremely graphic sexual instruction on a dildo" because what I saw was practically demure.

That was terrific. I'm so glad you take the time for us!

The two of them together is almost too much hotness, threatening to burn up into sexual supernova.

Bill's little "whaaa?" when Betty called him out on the Carnegie was terrific.

They said nothing about participating.

Orgy of One: The KeithZG Story

I LOVED this episode. Best one yet.

"I've been my boyfriend's girlfriend"

Ohh. Also, I seem to be the only one who isn't convinced the letter-writer is female.

I love that you have no qualms about surreptitiously photographing and Instagramming strangers, but won't reveal what school he went to.

I had to stop and reply even tho I'm not through reading, because I had to let you know that "for one cannot derive much nourishment from even the most delectable quim" is the best thing I've read in ages.


It seems so skeezy. "I want to host a giant lesbian orgy, but don't know any lesbians."

"And how do I find people who want to attend?"