graphic content

I have a pretty good delivery system in his mom too.

Recognition? Didn't he win the Emmy for Best Actor last year? I'd think that would be about the most recognition one could hope for as a career TV actor. I will sign your petition to get him a star on the Walk of Fame, though.

"Why did we agree to do this? We had nothing to gain." That kicker guy was hilarious.

The most nauseous I ever got at a movie was watching an IMAX film of beavers (the flat-tailed kind, not the other, but don't let that stop you from making any number of tasteless, yet hilarious bon mots). The cameraman insisted of following every dip and twist and dive and flip that those dam bastards made… on a

Maybe you'll get a NCC out of it… in ten years.

Not animation, but is there any love out there for Milo and Otis? Dudley Moore's best work, if you ask me.

… and hey, who doesn't like a rabbit now and then. Guhhhh.

The Adventures of Two A-Holes

And yet you answered it incorrectly. It's the fat guy.

The 'Bu!
I'm surprised they didn't try to get together with HOOOBASTANK!

C.C.H. Pounder

Recycled plot
Alias did an episode exactly like this. I seem to recall one where Sydney and Vaughn were assigned to be a suburban couple to infiltrate a Russian spy ring. Although I enjoyed this one more.

That's not fair. I'm not participating in this hug.


A-well-a bird-bird-bird, b-bird's the word,
A-well-a bird-bird-bird, well the bird is the word,
A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word,
A-well-a bird-bird-bird, b-bird's the word,
A-well-a bird-bird-bird, well the bird is the word,
Chris, don't you know, about the bird?
Meg, everybody knows that the bird is the word!

I saw this with my parents when I was 13, because my stepdad would just pick out movies at random (that's also how I saw Basic Instinct). I remember very little about the film, beyond the cream scene, but it became an inside joke around the house. No matter what crappy VHS we'd see, at least it was better than Bitter

!tnemmoc tihs a er'uoY

Hello, Soph…
I believe I see Sophie, lovely Sophie… from Peep Show there on the left. Now there's a British show that doesn't get enough love. Hands down the best Britcom since Spaced. If anyone would like to object, form a line to my right for beatdowns.