
"He only painted in red" was an awesome addition. The legend of Barristan continues!

We need more Tyrion scheming and less Littlefinger scheming. I had no idea that Alton was in trouble until Jamie told him he had a plan for him. Yet another stone cold move from the Kingslayer.

People seem to be split on fat spice guy. I thought he was just too annoying, although he made some good points on occasion. XXDucksauce was kinda bad ass though. He was much whinier in the book, and here he is taking charge and screwing over the khaleesi when she won't give him what he wants.

Interesting theory. I like it. Also, why did he need to take his pants off, she was only painting his back?

It's funny, the softened Cersei quite a bit, but made Jamie more of an ass by having him smash his cousin's face in.

One of the most boring seasons in history ends with one of the most boring final tribal councils in history. I think 3 or 4 people in a row didn't even ask a question. I don't like when the jury is bitter and gives the money to someone less deserving, but this was just as bad or maybe worse because at least then I

I'm not sure about the scene of Jamie murdering Ser Alton (Cleon). The more and more terrible things we see Jamie do, the tougher it will be to feel sorry for him later. Or maybe it'll make that more poignant. The worst part of this is Tyrion getting shortchanged once again. He had a plan to free Jamie using 4 spies

You're allowed to be cranky, like 90 % of this episode was different/made up. I'm going to have to watch it again to find out how I really feel.

Oh god finally. And it's true, Jon Snow knows nothing of vaginas. Or navigating. Or mountaineering. Or knot tying. 

I'm glad that fat spice trader is dead at least. I hated that guy. XXD is a completely different character at this point, but it's interesting. Dany now has to kill him and Pyat Pree before the season is over right?

This is very true, almost as good as the Tickler's. Dammit. Now you've changed my mind. That's 2 cool death scenes that have been taken out. And I'm not convinced we're even going to see Vargo at this point.

I certainly hope so. Not seeing them for an episode or two will build up the suspense nicely.

Well it is true that killing him at this point would be a kind mercy compared to what happens in subsequent books. Maybe she knows and thinks he deserves it.

Do you think that they're still going to hide in the crypts until Winterfell is officially sacked or do you think that they're leaving Winterfell for good now?

Yeah Jon comes off as petulant and incompetent a lot in the show, but I never really got that feeling in the book. It seems like the Old Bear and Halfhand don't really like him that much in the show. I really hope he meets back up with the brothers so he can carry out the rest of Halfhand's mission

Well if the dragons are kidnapped for a few episodes then no one will be able to complain about not seeing them and CGI budgets for a little bit at least.

I'm ok with Arya using her second hit on Amory Lorch. I think making him into a immediate threat makes it seem like less of a waste given that there are still some higher profile targets out there like Joffery or Cersei. Let's just hope her third name stays the same. I can't wait to see the look on Jaqen's face.

I actually have the exact opposite feelings about the spice merchant. I think he's just way too over the top and hammy.

Why didn't she cut Theon's throat too? He did kill her wildling friends and capture her when she first came to Winterfell. Once she banged him to sleep, there was plenty of opportunity. Maybe he's just that good of a lay?

Agreed. There's no way he would say anything in front of Tywin even if he did recognize Arya. Maybe he's withholding info until he talks to Cat about it, but Arya will be long gone from Harrenhall by them so it won't matter.