He does absolutely nothing for me. I might be alone in that sentiment, however.
He does absolutely nothing for me. I might be alone in that sentiment, however.
He does absolutely nothing for me. I might be alone in that sentiment, however.
You're right; my mistake. Wow, that was still a spectacularly dumb plan.
You're right; my mistake. Wow, that was still a spectacularly dumb plan.
I'm glad you did, because that was great.
I'm glad you did, because that was great.
My guess is they almost went there but didn't, but I would not be surprised to see them fully go there in the future.
My guess is they almost went there but didn't, but I would not be surprised to see them fully go there in the future.
Weirdly, Harvey has almost become the moral center of the show. I like them playing with our sensibilities and expectations like this.
Weirdly, Harvey has almost become the moral center of the show. I like them playing with our sensibilities and expectations like this.
What is this 2300+ business? In my day, we only went to 1600! And we had to take the test while walking uphill both ways to school in a snowstorm!
What is this 2300+ business? In my day, we only went to 1600! And we had to take the test while walking uphill both ways to school in a snowstorm!
Argh, USA and ABC Family always confuse me with their split seasons.
Argh, USA and ABC Family always confuse me with their split seasons.
Lo was the best thing about LB and The Hills.
Lo was the best thing about LB and The Hills.
This show has such similar rhythms to a daytime soap opera: the repetitive conversations, the long looks, the character archetypes. I watched this episode earlier today and it's amazing how quaint it seems, how slight, now that entire cable channels have been sustained by this style of show, considering at the time it…
This show has such similar rhythms to a daytime soap opera: the repetitive conversations, the long looks, the character archetypes. I watched this episode earlier today and it's amazing how quaint it seems, how slight, now that entire cable channels have been sustained by this style of show, considering at the time it…
I called them a third-rate wedding band! That might be generous.
I called them a third-rate wedding band! That might be generous.