
Hey, if you're a poet, do you write free-verse? If so, I'm wondering why I never see any poems in magazines written in standard forms like sonnets or whatever.

My main problems with the MFA program are its insularity, solipsism, and I guess nepotism (might be the word for it). For example, you go over to a website like Narrative magazine's and you'll see in pretty much every single bio (unless its for a previously established author like James fuckin Joyce) that all the

Raymond Carver wrote a couple good stories but on the whole I think his influence on fiction has been really, really terrible

Dude, Hemingway is dead-pan hilarious. "The Three-Day Blow"? Classic story about drunk guys being weird. Also "The Sun Also Rises" has made me laugh out loud, too.

At least the hacker genius was weird enough to be intriguing, I thought. It didn't slow episodes down.

I agree. I think it's interesting to explore something else going on with Stamper other than bits of AA stuff and his life revolving around Underwood. I just wish that they had had something interesting for Rachel to do, or had gone a different route with it. The whole relationship she gets into… I just felt like

When do we talk about how horrible the Rachel subplot is?

This is the internet. I'd be offended if you weren't being a jerk.

I did about two weeks at a detox facility in Aberdeen once for some reason. I think that, if anything, this article is just highlighting the fact that Aberdeen is proud of its illustrious history of drug abuse and depression.

True story: I ate a hot pocket last night — I think it was Ham Kind. And ten minutes after I ate it, my lower lips were totally numb. So, diseased animals or cocaine.

I was wondering when their name would show up.

Once Beckett got stabbed by a pimp named Prudent. He didn't press charges, because Prudent was so pleasant. I just wish they'd made a sitcom about it or something…

Always loved this song. Especially the end "You don't have the balls to be a queer". A lot of Screeching Weasel sounds kinda samey to me, but this is an amazing track. Every time I think of gays in the punk scene, I think of the Dicks, and the insane guts that it must've taken the lead singer to sing shit like this

Tenth of December has some of Saunders' greatest stories. It's also exhausting in its Saundersness — I mean, I like the guy, but he doesn't have very much range, and he can be infuriatingly glib or condescending about suffering sometimes. Still, the book was worth it for "Victory Lap" alone.

I saw a new PS4 commercial recently. They used Lou Reed's "Perfect Day". How many extra units do you think Sony'll sell because some old man died?

Mark Prindle's the best. Also, I kind of like GG Allin? I don't mean the person, I mean some of his songs are perfectly good punk songs. But it's more just a sick, awful joke than something you'd ever take seriously.

Yeah this is pretty disgusting. I know it's not, like, disgusting in comparison to war crimes. But as far as literature maybe meaning something? Other than ephemeral text-babble bullshit? It is kinda disgusting. I wonder how Harold Bloom would react? Outside of the whole, "let's charge people money for stupid

"I’m not sure which particular Holocaust documentary it was that featured graphic footage of such atrocities, but I vividly recall being shown one such film in middle school. "

Donkey Teeth

Commit heresy? Temple of Doom is my favorite Indiana Jones movie — and those original three are some of my favorite movies of all time. It's so over the top and absurd. Maybe it's just because I first watched it when I was about 6 or 7, and the heart-ripping scene has a lot of nostalgic value.