Ummm, I don't know if you've seen ABC's "Life on Mars"…
Ummm, I don't know if you've seen ABC's "Life on Mars"…
I can't wait until Harvey Keitel reenacts his classic scene of masturbating in front of girls in a car. I don't know what DeNiro is going to do during it but I'm sure it'll be fun for the whole family.
Robert DeNiro made me call his penis Travis Dickle.
A willingness to help people. That, and 'Scrubs" just looks like so much fun! LOL!
I agree. Bender-centric episodes never really did much for me. On his own, they usually try to give him a bit of an emotional arc which never really seems to ring true for me. But on the edge of the episode, Bender is a lot of fun. They really didn't give Zoidberg much to do. I don't even think he spoke in the second…
The final third is amazing. When I saw it on opening night, about half the theater was standing up for the last 10 or 15 minutes. It was probably one of my favorite moments of seeing a movie in theater.
They're pretty entertaining. I watched them back to back for the first time earlier this year, and it's clear that Tarantino knows how to manipulate genre conventions to make a film distinctly in his vision. The battle against the Crazy 88s nails this. The mix of lighting effects, the battle in the snow, the blood and…
But then who's going to tell my grandparents that their testing strips may be covered by medicare?
I only wish there was a movie opening this weekend that featured a fat man falling off of a rope.
Ya'll can go fill your slankets with farts for ripping on Selma Hayek.
Explain it to me in Star Wars.
It was a weird one this week, but kinda intriguing I guess.
Ryan Adams has made enough impressive records that I pretty much give him the benefit of the doubt on everything else. If he wants to do this, I guess I'll listen to "Gold" and hope that he puts out something for the fans later.
The problem of a judge saying something and everyone else just agreeing without much argument has become a problem in recent competitions across the board on TV. It's my biggest problem with the otherwise pretty entertaining "Chopped."
Padma is an excellent scrabble player.
I like team challenges, particularly among really strong competitors. To often, judgment table turns into "you fucked up the smallest thing, so pack up." With team challenges, there are generally a few gr0ups that work together extremely well, and there are those that fail. It manages to make the show less nitpicky…
Did you tell them about our fundamentals?
The b0x…says no.
The only reason I remember S1mone is for the absolutely wonderful Biatoic posts on that article.