in my erotic nightmare, Tom Cruise is in a fat suit rubbing sausage gravy on my chest.
in my erotic nightmare, Tom Cruise is in a fat suit rubbing sausage gravy on my chest.
And the fact that they have to let us know which subpar-at-best artist is performing and what album it's from.
The second one is the finest, so I don't know what I can do for you.
It was all about him playing the slide whistle.
yeah, sorry about that, I was drunk.
Sounds Good
I hope this premiers on Life Day.
I was really holding out for a "OF COCK" but you managed to surprise me.
I've given a horse an ejaculation. Coincidentally, I would also rate it as a B.
Woo Hoo, time for me to tear up the runway!
Careful, my bones!
I agree. I will most likely see this.
I'm not going to lie. I would totally listen to a Flaming Lips and Yoko collaboration.
They are pretty much the same. Tim Roth puts the boat in the water differently. Also, the rooms are a lot more brightly lit in the remake.
I started on "Funny Games" and kind of loved it. There are some admitted problems, and it is a physically exhausting movie to watch, but it is a solid and pure example of a near-perfect moralist at work.
Yeah, I really liked the idea that they were all sitting around and then suddenly, heard the whispering of the oscilloscope, and boom! You've got a Burroughs documentary.
It's the whole television producer mentality that people want sassy women in movies and TV shows. What they fail to realize is that nine times out of ten, these women are cunts.
I just spilled coffee on my twee'd jacket.
I think this is all just a ploy to get James Cameron to help aid Steven Baldwin.