Pop? Grammar school? Where am I? What year is it?
Pop? Grammar school? Where am I? What year is it?
Is there some unwritten rule that the "other" South Park reviewer can't comment on his off week? This review was atrocious and I need the other guy to validate me on that.
Nah, I don't think he lied, I just don't think he understood my fancy abbreviation. (AI= American Idol and you totally did the first post on today's entry).
Haha—the no punctuation-using, grammatically retarded, joke-stealing (you aren't the only one who reads both this and the AI blogs) troll calls someone else out on their grammar. Gold! Open your mine dude.
loved it
"'Will it be like in Star Trek: First Contact, or will it be more like Contact with Jodie Foster?' Add A Simple Plan and Mars Attacks to that list, guys."
Yeah, that's what I was going for.
Yeah, Adam was not good tonight. Simon FTW as usual. I HATE that he couldn't comment on each perfomance. HATE!!!
Miley—it's still a felony!
Oh I swear to mfg that I wrote this before reading the review. Damn I felt so clever with the fortune cookie line. I'm so very drunk.
Paula's appears to have read one too many fortune cookie
I'm 14/15ths of the way through a bottle of 2007 tin roof sauv blanc ($10.99 at Pinkie's!), so take these ratings with several grains of salt. My favorite 3 before tonight are Allison, Adam and…bleh, no one else. These are how my very non-musical ears ranked…
Not even a chuckle. Guess I'll chalk it up to a bad mood.
Please let this turn into a Nancy Grace hatefest. God I wanna punch her in the cooze. The only bad thing about Beck leaving Headline News is that it's made room for that other insufferable witch Jane Velez-Mitchell
Exactly, Zack. I can deal with the occasional laughless episode of the Office, but those are always chock full of good aw shucks moments. I'm wide open to cheap sentimentality, but bleh.
They have a lot to accomplish before the end of the season
Wish being funny was on that list. I defended your grading a couple weeks ago, but I seriously didn't laugh once tonight. No jokes, no plot advancement…felt like an episode we've seen a couple times already this season. I'm a fan, but this felt very flat. …
But it wasn't the Dollhouse expecting the NSA to let them get away with anything, it was an NSA agent knowing they'd get away with it. Quite simple really.
Re: next episode requiring the Dollhouse's services. They could've just hired Emerson Cod. Duh.
But then again I've liked Topher from the beginning.
We're already hating a dude based on 5 seconds of screen time? Ok, guess I'm on board…
I find many South Asian women very attractive. Kelly however, is a complete butterface.
Jim had no idea what either the rundown or distribution list was.