
The laugh track doesn't bother me - in fact, I quite like it; it's one of those rare contemporary occasions where it not only suits the sensibility, but also kind of enriches it.

So, who's watchin' "The Odd Couple"? Cos, honestly, it ain't half bad.

100 Acre Wood.

Well, you got Damian Young's ass, if that's anything.

Oh, Annie's in this? THANK GOD.

Dis ain't dah Manduhrin, dis is suhm British queeuh.

Pretty ballsy of Redmayne to tackle Austin Powers so soon after Myers' take.

"These white slippers are albino African endangered rhino" is just… astounding.

I imagine that "Elevator" arc would have been a lot shorter.

I wish my second name was a sassy exclamation…

I could have sworn he didn't have a mustache in the first shot.

He plays Stan Lee.

The show jumps 150 years later to when the babies are long-dead.

I'd rather watch a movie where Charlie attempts to murder Dennis, Mac, and Dee because of all the Charlie Work.

And will Hickey, the irascible hickey sidekick on John's neck, be back?!

Well, it's a relief to hear it's going to be good.

Yeah, but when are we gonna get that "Losing It with John Stamos" movie?

Your reviews of "Glee" helped affirm and rationalize my decision to stick with it to this day. Your write-ups were part and parcel of the entire experience of watching the show. You never intentionally dealt it a bad (or dismissive) hand, and I think those reviews stand as the ultimate testament to your ability to

Please just say one last thing about "Glee". I need this.

Only AFTER reading the title of the article, the article itself, and watching half of the trailer did I realize that the movie isn't called "Dead White People".