souse chef

That was the cinnamon challenge.

I don't believe I was on that episode of Cavett but I bet @Cookie_Monster was there so it's worth your time.

That one has actual black people running the show. That doesn't mean that it will be good but it certainly increases the odds.

Because it's a continent and not an island.

I stand with murderers row against fascism.

It's not as if Trump has learned from Hitler's mistakes. I'm sure he thinks a war on two fronts just means that people will like him twice as much.

Creepy dancing baby boo-urns.

So I should call myself "Butthead"?

When I was a kid I was normal and so of course I hated blue cheeses.

If I don't find out what happened between Lrr and Ndnd I will destroy this planet!

So like the phones that Trump gets ahold of when we hear from him? Cool. Now I can just say a whole bunch of bullshit that should blow the world up but I'll be really popular with the guys that hated me in high school.

Nobody was nostalgic for Ally McBeal.

Mmmm. Mashed potatoes and gravy. What side did you get?

I have a feeling that a cork screw is going to send them flying.

Two DeVos enter, one bear leaves.

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To come: to sleep;
To come, or not to come: that is the question:

It wasn't about the size. It was about what you did (not know what to do) with it.

I have no idea what NTTAWWT means but if it shows me melted wax up Leonardo DiCaprio's ass I'm notgoing there. Realisticly there are only so many things that can go up Leonardo DiCaprio's ass and I'm not going to be the gatekeeper.

That was just an excuse to show his butt back when he wanted people to see it.

Wearing contacts. You won't believe the transformation.