souse chef

I can't upvote that but I can't say that you're wrong.

Why not? Someone should.

He literally voted to kill me today. I don't owe him anything. If you're worried about his lack of dignity maybe you should have advised him to be dignified.

That's only because you're evil. That's why we (try to) confine you to the holodeck.

I would be. I got mostly good news at the doctor today but none of that means shit if I can't keep going to the doctor.

Not even with Bea Arthur's stiff, dead dick.

If you marry Batman you just expect the stress.

That's back in the day when being a Bush meant that you got drowned in a corruption scandal instead of failing upwards to the Presidency.

I'm not ready to make nice.

I'm from country too. Worse, I lived next door to Scott Walker (not the cool one) for a while. And my hometown is now represented by Paul Ryan. And the whole state of Wisconsin threw the election to Trump. That's a pretty big glass house.

Hush you nattering nabob of negativism!

I'd piss on him if he wants to earn it.

I certainly don't approve of that.

I'm sorry but no Trump. You still have baby hands.

I was expecting indentation but we could just go right to insertion.

That's between you and Jill Stein.

You're making that sound like a good thing. Stop it.

It's West Virginia. They haven't gotten any news from the outside world since October. They think everything is fine.

Those were white children on the white ground cover. They're like invisible vampires.

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off