I'll be disappointed if Jessica Lange does not mount a campaign against Susan Sarandon.
I'll be disappointed if Jessica Lange does not mount a campaign against Susan Sarandon.
I'm not a puppet! I'm a muppet and I will not hide in the closet with Tom Cruise any longer!
That's the problem with Kermit. He's both Muppets and Sesame. Very few of us have crossed over but Kermit has always played both sides.
Sam the Eagle was pointedly unhappy with the reality show The Muppet Show. Almost every episode Sam the Eagle would exclaim about the lack of standards while the rest of us just tried to get on with our lives and put on a show. Critics in the balcony be damned.
Yes, I am feeling rather full of myself today. And you?
No. This belongs on the Muppet thread. When are we getting a daily Muppet thread?
I Felt it too.
You misspelled "Scam, Piss, Retweet"
I may be a muppet online but I'm a dude in real life.
Poor George, he can't help it — he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.
But Linda Lavin "sings" on this episode of Alice!
Private beaches for some. Small American flags for others.
I actually liked Medium I got stuck watching it because it aired at a time that I was the only one home and my roommate had the VHS (ask your parents) set to record it on the only TV in the house. At first I resented its beyond stupid premise but I grew to love the characters.
I would have been crueler:
auxilliary upvote
Just like Calculon!
That was a pretty metal move, going out on top like that.
Unfortunately Flashdance is no longer required viewing.